By Andreas Moritz

When you look at a tree you are not only looking at a collection of material particles but also at a Being of light that is responsible for the organized and systematic growth of the tree. This Being lives in total harmony with the existing laws of nature and environmental conditions. The tree Being is able to communicate all its needs to the soil, the air and the water. It knows how to call and attract other forms of life, such as insects, birds or bacteria to help its own growth process and to pass on information to other trees.

Looking at a tree is a two-way process. Your entire being, including your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and the corresponding chemical components produced by your brain, are literally ‘read’ by the tree you are looking at. There are trillions of particles of light bouncing back and forth between your eyes and the tree at a frequency of millions of times per second. The light particles pick up the tree’s inherent information, particular frequency and essence of light and deliver all that to your body by entering your eyes, your aura and other parts. When the various colors of light emanating from the tree enter your eyes, they pass through the hypothalamus, which is the brain’s brain, and the pineal gland. There they receive specific chemical codes that help the body communicate the essential characteristics of the tree to all the cells of your body. Your body cells respond to this information by beaming their impressions of the tree back to the tree. You may feel that the tree is strong and healthy or even say: “What a beautiful and wise-looking tree!” All this happens within the fraction of a second.

Trees, animals, insects and humans are all part of a giant organism in which every piece of information is shared and exchanged if needed. This networking takes place on the level of existence where light energy is the common factor. If you want to cut a tree because it is obstructing your view, it will know of your intent almost at the same time you think of it. In a similar way, we radiate the very essence of what we are, what we think and what we do into our near and far environment. We are literally surrounded by numerous invisible messengers that let our surroundings know who we are, how we are and what we are doing.

We all are being ‘read’ by the Earth and especially by the Sun. Incredible as this may sound, deep within us we know it is true. To discover our essence and the essence of everything else that exists, we need to trust what we feel inside rather than wait for the scientists or the learned experts to tell us what we ought to or ought not to believe. This spark of understanding needs to become a powerful beam of spiritual wisdom in order to dissolve all the limited thinking that keeps us from recognizing who we are.

There is a human aspect of us just as there is a universal aspect of us. The two aspects of the self must be bridged before we can find our true purpose in life. This, however, cannot be accomplished through intellectual analysis of the world and us, but by trusting that feeling of deep inner knowing. Once we trust this feeling, the intellectual satisfaction of understanding our purpose in life will come along automatically. For the time being, I suggest that you accept the possibility that there is a sentient universe that knows everything about you. The more you will feel this to be true, the more you will recognize yourself to be an important power to help raise planetary vibrations and usher in a new era of peace, love and enlightenment for mankind and for all other life forms in the universe.

This is an excerpt from my book IT’S TIME TO COME ALIVE

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