By Andreas Moritz 

We have seen that the need to judge arises when we are feeling insecure, fearful, or dissatisfied. People who are in love feel as if they could embrace the whole world. Their sense of happiness transcends the barriers of division and allows them to perceive the underlying unity of all things. Even though this state of being in love may only be a fleeting moment of unity consciousness, it nevertheless shows that we are capable of bridging the gap of separation that exists between our world and us.

A mother who looks at her newborn child with utter affection feels no separation in her heart. She and her child are one unit, invisibly bonded by the uniting power of love. Where do the feelings of separation come from when months or years later she starts yelling at her child or criticizing them for their behavior? How do some mothers develop jealously and animosity towards their own children? Why do couples that have promised to love and care for each other for as long as they shall live feel they can no longer keep that promise? Where does the estrangement, distrust, and neglect that break us apart come from? And finally, why do we separate from the very people we once loved and felt at one with?

To answer these questions is both simple and complex. It is complex if we try to find the answers in single reasons since another precipitates every reason. It seems the reasons we cannot get along with one another or bring judgment into our lives are rooted in an unhappy childhood, abusive parents, unsupportive teachers, societal restrictions, adverse economic situations, etc. Yet, in truth, these factors represent only one link in the near-endless chain of events that underlie our problems in life. Whatever they are, the common thread that runs through them all is the experience of separation from our Higher Self or Spirit.

The age-old search for our true identity is caused by the age-old separation from our true identity. “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” have almost become cliché expressions in the New Age movement, but they are nevertheless valid questions that nag everyone at some stage in life, even unconsciously. The reason for this is that we cannot become whole and fulfilled until we live the answers. An old saying tempts us to find the answer to what we are looking for in the question, and so it is with these two basic questions. The “Who am I?” question cannot be satisfied by substituting who with a name, a quality, or a physical appearance, for these can be changed in a moment. The only answer that makes sense is “I AM”, because that is all there is left when the body dies off and the world disappears with it. “What am I doing here?” has a similar answer: “TO BE THAT I AM.” In other words, we do not have to be anything but ourselves in order to be fulfilled and to make a difference in this world. We are everything because we are one with all there is, but the only way we can tap into that oneness and use it for the greater whole is by identifying with our Higher Self; nothing else will ever be sufficient to truly satisfy us.

Still, most human beings tie themselves to, and describe themselves by, their career choice, their economic position, their religious preference, their political affiliation, their age, or even by their gender, but no one describes themselves by the brilliance of their spiritual light. The moment I use such words as I am an artist, I am intelligent, I am a failure, I am a success, I am your friend, I am a Light Worker, I love you, I love God, etc., I separate myself from that brilliant light of oneness that I am and instead identify with the limited ideas I have about myself, my personality, money, friendship, what love means to me, who I believe is God, etc.

Oneness feels so real that it is actually unnatural to feel any other way than this. To be one with the people walking down the street, the flowers blossoming in the field, the insects and birds soaring in the air, the clouds floating in the sky, and the Earth reverberating under our feet escapes all concepts of imagination. It doesn’t come from a thought or an idea but from a plane beyond thoughts and ideas. It is a state of being. Not even the greatest, most magnificent human form and achievement is able to describe the REAL YOU. A gold bracelet, a golden ring, and a gold filling each look very different and have different purposes but they are made of the same thing, viz. gold. The appearance of a shape or form somehow conceals the true substance it is made of. Take the meaning or purpose away and you are left with what it really is: a piece of gold.

By letting go of the various meanings and roles we have given ourselves, or were given by others, we are left with nothing but ourselves. This process can be very scary at first, and it may cause a sense of great loss and loneliness. Nevertheless, when we face and thereby transcend, the fear of losing everything, when all associations cease, then we become aware of our fundamental connectedness with everything. When illusion of separation and the pain and judgments that uphold it fall away, we gain the ultimate freedom, the freedom TO BE. To regain our true identity we must undo all separations that have ever existed in all of our many lifetimes. All the false identities: “I am not good enough”, “I am scared”, “I am angry”, “I am poor”, “I am rich”, “I am powerful” etc. serve their purpose only in the world of duality. They have no more meaning once we enter the world of oneness.

All these mistaken identities serve only one master, the primordial separation from our Source, often called the original sin. Sin is linked with guilt. We feel guilty for having separated ourselves from what many call God or Spirit. We fear we will be thrown out of Heaven because we aren’t ‘good enough’ anymore. We have forgotten who we are and feel guilty about it. However, this emotion of guilt is based on the misconception that separating from our Higher Self or God Self was wrongful. We are now collectively dealing with this primordial guilt and fear of separation, and we are in the process of clearing it once and for all. We are clearing it in many different ways and it can feel very distressing at times but we are making great progress, both individually and collectively. In all this, we are both remembering and releasing the Great Separation that seeded all other separations we have ever experienced during our numerous lifetimes on Earth.

This is an excerpt from my book LIFTING THE VEIL OF DUALITY

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