History of the Colon Cleanse

Ayurveda which dates back to at least six or seven thousand years, the old records are ten thousand years old, the first written records date back six thousand years and they describe what is known as ‘bastis’. A bastis is basically an enema that can either include oils or water and herbs, and so they knew how to do bastis again by using nature’s things like bladders from a goat or a cow. I do not think in India they used cow bladders, but from other animals, to use it as a container, or other vegetables that were hollowed and then water was poured in, then they had natural straws, thick straws that were hollow inside that worked as a tubing and so they administered these bastis to clean the colon.

Going back to Jesus’ time, having been and seen the scenes describe exactly the same methods, and the ancient Egyptians, once again, colon cleansing has been part and a necessity for all major civilizations and when you go back to the 1920s I remember looking at the reports of hospitals, they routinely administered enemas or so called ‘colemas’, colon hydrotherapy, to wash out the entire colon. Almost every hospital used to have a colonic machine. And then when antibiotics came in, they did not bother anymore helping people to clean out their guts.

They just pumped them full of drugs and then suppressed disease rather than cure it from the base up. Instead of dealing with the root causes they just tried to suppress some symptoms and you know where that got us. Today so many people are obese that are their colon is so extremely congested, filled with, sometimes 20 – 30 kilograms of old fecal matter and, in America nearly 70% of the people are either obese or overweight and you can see where it starts: in the belly areas. So the colon packs up waste matter accumulates, accommodates it and the people are not even thinking about, doctors do not tell them like they did in the ’20s, “Oh, you must clean out your colon before we treat anything else.”

There are some hospitals in Israel that do not even treat, they do not even accept a patient unless they can show that they just had a colonic irrigation, that they cleaned out their entire colon, because they say that so many symptoms of illness are related to just blocked colons, extreme constipation and just sluggishness in the eliminative capacity of the body. so cleaning out the body is coming back and it is becoming more and more popular as these colonic machines become available again and the simple colon cleansing devices once again become popular. I have described them in my books and they are widely read and so, more and more people are going back to the traditional colon cleansing method.

How often do you recommend doing a colon cleanse for the average person?

It depends on what the person is eating, how stressed the person is. We now know that stress inhibits the peristalsis in the body. So a person becomes congested simply by being nervous and anxious… worried about things. Then again it depends on the diet, if a person eats a lot of meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese and so on, then he can expect that the colon clogs up much faster. But on an average, if it is a healthy balanced diet, then once a month, once two three weeks… one has to go by one’s feeling… if the belly is starting to protrude and becoming harder, and if gas is common, then, definitely it is time for cleaning out the colon. Obviously one should also consider cleaning out the liver because many of the colon problems result from poor bile secretion, the bile is no longer sufficient in order to induce peristalsis which is again a function of bile. If the bile is missing or there is lack of it, then the peristalsis is inadequate and a lot of undigested food remains in the colon, it does not come out.

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