Gluten intolerance and diet

This is a question from Michelle and she is concerned about gluten intolerance and gluten sensitivity and she is wondering what the guide is one must go on if so. There are many debates out there, she says, if one is intolerant to gluten, must they avoid all grains or just the basic wheat, rye, barley and oats?

There is a lot of debate about gluten; you find many restaurants that are actually serving foods that are void of gluten and because many people have ultraic gluten allergies and that can be a very, very dangerous for them. when there is a celiac disease which is a sort of a chronic inflammatory disease related to gluten, so if a person eats gluten it can cause severe gastric-intestinal distress and, in fact, causes damage to the brain. So if you have any gluten intolerance or sensitivity, I would recommend that for the time being do avoid foods that contain gluten and of course wheat, rye, barley and oats contain them, oats to a lesser extent, unless of course it is manufactured in a place that also manufactures wheat, so it is not necessarily, does not necessarily, naturally contain gluten, so if you find a source of oats that do not contain gluten, then that would be the way to go with regard to oatmeal that you could eat for breakfast.

With regard to bread and other baked goods that contain a lot of gluten, the reason why there is such a huge gluten intolerance is because the flour that is being used and has been used for many years with raising agents and particular preservatives and their enhancing agents, these ingredients… they have actually de-natured the wheat flour and cause a lot of problems.

The problems are basically that when wheat is baked or turned into breads, that is when gluten that would normally, if normal healthy wheat flour would be used, it would go through a process of fermentation and the fermentation would get rid of most of the gluten and this would make the bread fit for human consumption. But what has happened over so many year is that we create shortcuts in the baking process now we can bake a loaf of bread in a matter of an hour or two and use it as food.

The problem with that is that yeast is being used and the yeast is a very thin fermenting agent that accelerates this process, but it does not break down the gluten sufficiently to a point that it would not cause any harm. So there is so much gluten nowadays in the breads that it is surprising that there are still some people around that do not have a gluten intolerance.

I personally have a gluten intolerance, a severe gluten intolerance, that will give me actually diarrhea and I used one of my own prophecies called Sacred Santémony that would clear out the gluten intolerance within a matter of three minutes. Doing that typically, I do not know of any other method to get rid of gluten allergy, particularly that quickly, except by not eating gluten-rich foods or, and, gradually eating foods that have low gluten content and then going to foods that are, let’s say, if you do eat bread, eat bread that has been properly processed with unadulterated flour that has been properly baked into breads and that typically takes about two to three days time, not using any yeast at all. So yeast can inhibit the breakdown of gluten and should be avoided.  So once you have been gluten-free for a while you can start re-introducing gluten level by level and see if that works for you.

Besides that, cleansing the liver often gets rid of gluten intolerance or any kind of allergy and so I have seen many people who cleaned out their liver completely, they have no more allergies where they used to have gluten intolerance or gluten allergy or other allergies which simply disappeared, as their liver was basically starting from scratch, starting on a clean slate, being so efficient that it can deal with contaminants or break down proteins into harmless substances, amino acids, without creating a strong reaction against it.

Having said that, it is best to, for the time being, look for foods that do not give you the allergic reaction and then reintroduce foods that have some gluten in it so that you are not completely losing the immunity that you require in order to live in this world and interact with foods that you eat.

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