Andreas Moritz speaks about “Vaccine-Nation” on Linda Mackenzie’s HealthyLife.Net Radio Network

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Linda Mackenzie: Welcome to the Linda Mackenzie show and this week let’s remember to radiate positive energy, especially today. Our guest today is Andreas Moritz. He is author of the book “Vaccine-Nation” which you can get on or or any book store, just ask for it and I’ll also be giving lots of fun and useful information as well as doing some fact based psychic readings later on in the show. This is a very important show today because if you want to understand vaccines and their impact, this is the book to get because it really is thoroughly researched and there is so much going on with vaccines today, they have just come up, I think it’s two hundred and forty-six now, they have, they want to hit children with, so it is very, very important that we know about this. So let’s get right to our guest and we have with us Andreas Moritz, author of “vaccine-Nation” and Andreas is a researcher and author of over twelve books. Welcome, Andreas.

Andreas Moritz: Well, thank you Linda I am happy to be here

Linda Mackenzie: I am glad you are here too. What is the vaccine myth?

Andreas Moritz: Well, actually, it is a composition of at least five different myths and one of them is that vaccines supposedly prevent disease and in fact the scientific research and the history that we are familiar with shows very clearly that vaccines are not preventing disease, they are actually causing and spreading the disease they are meant to prevent, and so if you look at the vaccine literature, it is filled with examples of individuals and large numbers of people who were vaccinated against infectious disease, and actually have contracted the very same infection at a later stage in their life, so it is not really doing anything in terms of eradicating disease, which is another myth, it doesn’t eradicate disease, the truth is that if you look at the statistical evidence once again, you will find that any infectious epidemic or pandemic has  declined long before, that means months or years before mass vaccination campaigns were introduced, and you find that at any time there was an improvement of sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, just general cleanliness, removing garbage from the big cities that were no longer piling up in the cities and contaminating the air and the water, once that was in place, these epidemics, they died out, they literally disappeared and you find that with whooping cough, measles, diphtheria… all of the big epidemics that we have… and so there is really nothing, of course in African countries or in other developing countries, they still have epidemics and you find them disappearing as well, as the hygiene and nutrition improve, in fact the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they have actually stated on their website that clean water is far more effective in eradicating infectious disease in developing countries than vaccines are so, I personally do not understand why they are not going out and just improving their sanitation, putting filters in these communities so that they have clean drinking water… instead we are going out and spending billions of dollars in vaccinating children and…

Linda Mackenzie: Well, there is a reason for that, that basically, if you follow any path it is the money and the USA vaccinates more people that other countries, is that not true?

Andreas Moritz: It is absolutely true

Linda Mackenzie: Right

Andreas Moritz: The average child, person, up to the age of eighteen, will eventually have had sixty-one to sixty-three vaccine shots, and if you look at a country like Iceland, they get about one third of that number, and the statistics really show that you have in countries like Iceland or Norway or any of the Scandinavian countries, they have very, very low autism rates, they have low learning disability, there is low asthma rates… here in America we have one in every sixty-three children is developing autism and Iceland it is one in every thirty thousand. What is in Iceland kids, or how different is a kid in Iceland compared to a kid in America? Many of the Scandinavian people are actually here, they have moved here, they go to Minneapolis, so many of them are Scandinavians, but there is really no difference in our genes, in our upbringing, there is some difference in the diet, yes, but we do not have a link between autism and diet as yet.

Linda Mackenzie: That is right

Andreas Moritz: But we have a link between the number of people who die in Iceland and in America, there are twice as many children dying than in Iceland.

Linda Mackenzie: Well a lot of that has to do with, again, with pharmaceutical companies they are doing these genetically modified foods and the water is polluted and the foods that Americans eat and the air that we breathe…

Andreas Moritz: Correct.

Linda Mackenzie: …is all contributing factors to disease, and quite frankly, there are many countries I know, for many, many years,Denmark would not import our dairy products because of the antibiotics in it…

Andreas Moritz: Right

Linda Mackenzie: … and if you travel the world as I have when I was in a past life as an engineer for eighteen years, and if you travel the world and you think that America has the best food and the best stuff, well they don’t, I mean you can taste the difference in the foods, and Europe, except for, I guess two years, they finally broke up down, they were not even allowing any of these GMO foods, and the reason is that, so these are causes for the breakdown of systems as well as in America because we are so economically trapped, what happens if there may not be as many children autistic, with autism, as there really is because the government offers money and sustenance to children with autism so, maybe, some people who are still learning may opt to do get their child…

Andreas Moritz: Right

Linda Mackenzie: …categorized under autism so they can feed them today, but I do now want to go… divulge too much but basically, I have read that in United States the US government buys all these vaccines from the pharmaceutical companies and then stockpiles them, and now many people in US are not getting vaccinated as they once were, although still too many, and so we, it is the money that is exchanging hands that I believe is why they want these vaccines, they couldn’t care less if they’re really helping people.

Andreas Moritz: Oh yes. In fact they are more interested that the vaccines do not work because there is a lot of money to be made from sickness but there is no money to be made from health, so if people are healthy they are not going to doctor or to a hospital, so yes, and they know that vaccines suppress or destroy the immune system progressively, there are so many synthetic chemicals and genetic ingredients that cause toxic overload in people, in children’s immune systems and that is setting them up for long term and life long illnesses. There is a brand new study that was done, it was a review of studies that were done from the end of the 19th century to the year 2006 and what they discovered was that… and these were one hundred and fifty-one studies, so it is huge-huge body of scientific research, and they found that the children that were vaccinated during childhood have a significant increase in the risk of cancer later in life, so what kind of business incentive is that? Huge, because cancer business is an absolutely mind-boggling moneymaker that the medical industry does not want to give up, it is just far too important for them, and so, they, the medical industry and pharmaceutical industry obviously work hand in hand, they work on the same theme… disease care… which is nothing to do with health care… it is making sure that people get some kind of relief temporarily like vaccines can trick the immune system and suppress it so it does not develop the childhood illness at that time and later he gets it perhaps, but that can be very serious for these people.

Linda Mackenzie: Right. You know, I can remember growing up, we did have a couple of vaccines for small pox and stuff, we did not have measles, cause I am 62 so I have been around for a while, but you know what, my daughter, she had chicken pox, she had it twice or three times I do not know, some crazy thing, and I had measles and we all… very rarely do children die from these childhood illnesses and when you have the illness it automatically builds up antibodies in your system so that you do not catch it again, so I do not understand…

Andreas Moritz: Well, it does not work that way because there are two parts to the immune system. One is the antibody response as you said you get exposed to a pathogen then you produce antibodies, but it is not just pathogens, if you get any chemicals into the system that is considered toxic by the body and it causes injury, which toxins do, then the body will produce antibodies, antibodies are not really against something primarily they are healing bodies

Linda Mackenzie: Oh!

Andreas Moritz: They are blood proteins that are needed in order to heal a wound or lesion or any thing… inflammation… part of any inflammation, so when you  invoke an inflammatory response, does not matter for whatever reason that may be, you are basically triggering the antibody response. Now the second, the most important, actually, the primary immune response, is the cellular immune response and that is the normal way to contract or to expose the body to a pathogen that is through the airways, thought the nose and the mouth, the inhalation and through the gastro intestinal tract, that time immune system will mount a cellular immune response while it, at the same time, there is zero, nothing, in terms of a antibody response, the antibody response is supposed to come secondary once the primary immune response has been completed, so once the person goes through the sickness, let’s say, childhood illness, and then once that is finished then the body starts producing antibodies for that but the primary immune response is the only one that leaves those us with permanent immunity to a particular pathogen and then the side effect is, the positive benefit, is you’re immune for the rest of your life and you have boosted your immune system, whereas when you take a vaccine you do the exact opposite, you suppress the primary immune response, there is no way they can do that, that is why you typically do not get sick unless you have a live virus and it makes you violently ill, you get the real illnesses and then you’re immune to it, but the typical response is, and that is why they try to reduce the viral, the activeness of the virus, through chemicals like formaldehyde which keeps it generated so it is basically weak. It is weak enough to produce antibodies but it is not strong enough to evoke a disease that you actually get sick from it. So in that sense, the vaccines cannot bestow true immunity, it is fake immunity, has nothing to do with making the body stronger, that is why you… in our population… there is massive decline in natural immunity right from the beginning you get, on the day a baby is born, gets a hepatitis B shot and that is just… it is impossible for a child’s immune system which has not even developed yet to deal with it. If the mother also has been immunized before, she does not… she is not able to… pass antibodies to the child, so the child’s immune system even has a difficulty to ever develop properly, so now we have generations of new generations that have virtually the weakest immune system that we have ever seen on the planet.

Linda Mackenzie: You know, Andreas, I always thought that if they were to take all the money and all the research and develop a cure for the disease and not worry about vaccinations and then they had this one shot that when you get the disease if you get the disease, you get it and the disease is cured, that would be a better high jump, a better way for people to… and scientists to… live. Cure the disease and then if that person gets sick, give him the shot because not everybody is going to get hepatitis B and I do not understand inoculating children on this, it is like that human papilloma vaccination, it does not, it kills, it kills the girls it only goes and stops one, not all of the papilloma viruses, so you still have a change of still getting it and it is really terrible stuff that they are doing.

Andreas Moritz: Pretty right, I mean it does not prevent new disease, look at the flu shot, they have a one percent preventive effect and yet million and millions of people get it every year. Now the CDC admitted that, just a couple of weeks ago, that the flu virus vaccine, the flu vaccine is weakening, just a couple of months like two three months after it has been given, that means it becomes ineffective and what does it mean ineffective? You have to have a shot every year because some strains are changing, now they are saying, well we have developed a universal flu vaccine that you do not even have to have one for each strain anymore. So the whole theory behind vaccines is changing all the time, there is no science to it, and there are no sound scientific principles, that is why when you suggest to the CDC please do some studies on children, compare the non-vaccinated with the vaccinated children, they say, well it is unethical, you cannot do that, that is why there is no study to prove that vaccines are actually better than not being vaccinated.

Linda Mackenzie: Right, well you know my ex husband was a bio chemical scientist at a very large drug company back in the 60s and early 70s and back then, they had, you could not really say drug, except for very, very long-term studies of ten, twenty even thirty years, now the drugs are getting approved within the six months and the guinea pigs are the people in the field. So when what happened though is with the H1N1 virus, I do know that that was a false cry, hardly anybody did get that flu and I believe that in Europe, they actually called to task pharmaceutical companies saying that they actually fostered the illusion of that big pandemic and there was none and they got  cited for that, but, here in the United States, we end up hand in hand with pharmaceutical companies and paying them money and we are their biggest purchasers and most companies, pharmaceutical companies, I do not know one that is really owned by a  US company. We are going to take a break but we are going to be right back with Andreas Moritz and his book “Vaccine-Nation”. Stay with us……

                      ……Welcome back. You are listening to the Linda Mackenzie show. We have today Andreas Moritz.  He is the author of a really important book that you need to have on your bookshelf and it is for everyone, not just children, they are trying to do vaccinations for everybody, it is called “Vaccine-Nation“. Now, Andreas, what is your website?

Andreas Moritz: It is

Linda Mackenzie: Great and they can find out more information…

Andreas Moritz: Yes

Linda Mackenzie: … about you, and he has written so many wonderful books and you know, everybody knows that I have been here for eighteen years, I do not know how long, seems like forever, but you do trust me and I am telling you that this book is very thoroughly documented and researched so if you want to know about vaccines, it is a very good book to get, and that is “Vaccine-Nation” –  Andreas Moritz,  and you can get it at and and visit his website Right?

Andreas Moritz: Yeah

Linda Mackenzie: Alright, great, let’s get back to some of these questions. Can you give us some of the, there is so much to cover with these things, and I do not like the wool being pulled over children’s eyes or any elderly eyes or anybody’s eyes, I think that if we have the knowledge then we have our eyes open and then we make a decision that we know all the facts and we choose to get a vaccine after knowing all the facts, that is okay, but, we need to know and they are not telling us because… I am sorry if I just keep going on because I am very passionate about this subject, but Andreas, what is the insider secrets about vaccines? Can you tell us some?

Andreas Moritz: Yes and there actually are a lot of contaminants, biological contaminants in vaccines, and so many people think that a vaccine is completely clean but it is not. It is already contaminated by animal parts… that are part of when you grow a vaccine, let’s say, in a monkey, then you get animal particles and DNA parts, and so once you inject them into the human body, the immune system will mount an immune response because it considers foreign DNA as an invading organism, and so, there can be serious consequences that can lead to death, but there are many other contaminants like amoeba… that the… particularly there is one there is called acant amoeba and that is feeding off brain cells and so found in the polio vaccine. That is why in countries like India or Pakistan you have a lot of children developing polio and become paralyzed because they are vaccinated, it is not because they develop polio by sort of moving around the country, and there are so many instances of severe brain damage caused by amoeba that are contained in vaccines and syphilitics, respiratory infections and these are microorganisms, they are found in lab furniture, they are in equipment, it is not easy to keep these labs clean, and so, once these cultures are contaminated then the recipients receive them and that is something that they don’t tell you, they basically say all the vaccines are safe and they are tested, but how many vaccines are being recalled!! Recently we found that a pig viruswas in a vaccine that was spread in Mexico and so you have so many of failures, there are power failures and other things that cause a change in the temperature of the vaccines, think of developing countries where there are large, long distances. I lived in Africa and in India, and there are huge distances and sometimes there is not enough power, sometimes for day or two, and so, all those vaccines become spoiled yet, they are still being given to people and that is amazing because you can make so many millions of people very sick, that’s why we have, and you go back to the history, we have so many instances where children and people were vaccinated against dysentery for example, in Germany, before WWII there were fifty thousand people who were sick with dysentery and then the vaccines were given and they shot up to two hundred and fifty thousand and then WWII happened there was no vaccine available and it went back to forty thousand.

Linda Mackenzie: Exactly! Do you know it was really interesting because I think it was between last couple of weeks, they had a picture of Bill Gates and his wife in Africa and the children were getting vaccines, but they had soldiers with machine guns all around them and they were forcing the children to get the vaccines, the people did not want to…

Andreas Moritz: Right

Linda Mackenzie: … and I am sitting there, going “Bill and Melissa Gates, I know you are trying to help but figured it out because vaccines are not where you should be putting your money,” that what I am saying and also in… I heard that in the H1N1 vaccine, which they are including now in that the regular flu shots in America, they are adding that H1N1 in so they are not even saying that it is a special one they are just adding it in, that is a mercury based, the fluid that this vaccine stays in to keep everything, organism, alive is actually mercury, that includes mercury in there, and, we all know how much mercury can come out of the body… formaldehyde, I can remember in high school, you know, dissecting the frog, I do not want that stuff in my body, they make you lithium bomb people with, I mean for goodness sake, so is that right that they do have mercury in there?

Andreas Moritz: Oh, absolutely! Most flu shots actually, not just the H1N1 flu vaccine, but most flu shots do contain mercury. So it is something that is known to be a brain damaging metal, it is the most toxic chemical… metal… in the world, so putting that directly into the human body is just irresponsible and there are no safety studies, there are no comparative studies available, there are only short-term studies like five days or so, but most of the vaccine injuries, they occur long after, months and even years after, as we have seen with the cancer, you get vaccinated as a child and when you are thirty-forty years old, you start developing cancer and you have no idea where it came from but now, the studies show that it is coming from vaccination. so there is just no… you cannot sue them and of course the supreme court of justice now sided with the pharmaceutical industry because they were pressured by them and now nobody can sue the pharmaceutical industry for vaccine injury anymore. So they are totally immune to attack by any families

Linda Mackenzie: However I did see, yeah exactly, I did see, I was very happy to see it, that for the first time in the last couple of weeks, almost all the large pharmaceutical companies are seeing loses for the first time and I am so happy about that because they design many, many things, I have a big respect for science, but it is not for money, and unfortunately the whole thing is for money and I have a vitamin company where we manufacture vitamins, for five years, so I know a bit about medical research and stuff because of having our products tested, and one of the questions I had, we have to go into a break but when we get back I want to comment on a couple of things: Can we trust the medical research? And I got some thing to say and I know Andreas does, and I also want to tell you something that happened yesterday and we are going that too, so stay with us…….

                                   ……Welcome back. You are listening to the Linda Mackenzie show. We have today Andreas Moritz and he is the author of “Vaccine-Nation“. Again, you can get this book at and go to his website Andreas, during the break, right before the break, we were talking about… can we trust medical research, right before the break I was saying you know we do not, when we went to get our research done and we found that many times the research that was positive on holistic or natural substances would get pooh-pooed and thrown away and they would not even look at that, but what they would do is, they would find medical research from the drug company, the drug company was paying for the research, so anything that was negative about a drug they would find actually in the garbage cans, sometimes literally in the garbage can, and never report it, only the positive things were reported that is kind of, do you feel that that is true?

Andreas Moritz: Oh, absolutely! Drug makers… they do not have to publish negative studies.What they do is they look at the… let’s say… they do twenty or let’s say thirty studies and they have to do a lot of them and so eventually they come up with maybe three or two or four studies that are positive and the rest of them are negative they can discard the negative ones and then go to the FDA and basically deliver the positive studies to the FDA and they will post it, and very quickly, and so they do not have to report what is negative, it goes into the garbage and that’s been very well… that has been known for a long time. You go to John Leonidas, he is the world’s most renowned expert… and credibility of research…. and he is very, very, very well received and known in the medical research field, and according to him and his eminent researchers, they found that the ninety percent of the published medical information that is relied on by doctors to prescribe the drugs and the treatments, the  vaccines and the surgery, is actually fraud and incorrect. And recently the University of California published in the Annals of Medicine that was back in October last year, they found that ninety-two percent of about hundred and forty-five clinical trials that were conducted between 2008 and 2009, they were invalid because it did not disclose the type of placebo they used and so they were found that to manipulate the placebo, for example, in a cholesterol study, they found that when you use a placebo which is a sugar pill, it will actually raise the cholesterol, they put some fats in it and it raises the cholesterol in the control group and that shows that the Statin drug that they tested on is more effective than the placebo so it is very and the FDA is not objecting to that

Linda Mackenzie: Well, that is because the FDA, a lot of them are from the drug industry, all the people on the FDA making the decisions are from the drug industry, I do not mind, but if you have a medical doctor that really understands science, I am not averse to that, but, when you are having former execs form a drug company sitting there saying about drugs and passing that, I think that it is a waste of our time and a waste of our money because it is still all about the money.Tell us a little bit about the law enforced vaccines. I am not allowing somebody to put something in my body. It is my body. I do not think that I should allow them to that but if the law told me that I was forced to get a vaccine what happens with that?

Andreas Moritz: Well, you have not much choice if you live in Massachusetts for example, which  just passed a pandemic response act and it allows the Governor to declare a state of emergency and treat normal people like you and me as terror suspects if they are not submitting to the forced vaccination so and it is become more popular. There is another law in New Jersey  where parents have to bring the children to school where they were vaccinated by force; if they did not do, that the parents would have to… they would have to be jailed. So there is lot of pressure on parents as well. Now a lot of doctors and  hospitals refuse parents to bring their children to the hospitals or to the doctor unless they can show that they have been fully… their children have been fully vaccinated. so it is the law that protects most people at least in 48 states where you can fight for religious reason or philosophical reasons or medical reasons, you have to have a doctor who is supporting that, and write you the letter that you have a medical reason because you can say, “well, the previous vaccines, they caused a vaccine injury in my child, I do not want this to happen again,” and then the doctor has to approve them and say “yes, it is true, there was a vaccine injury, so it is better for the child not to be vaccinated,” but these are very, very few exemptions. Most other people, when they bring their children to school, the schools are already requiring that their children are vaccinated because they say when your child gets sick, he might infect the entire population of children and that is not entirely true, because these children most of them, 98 percent is supposed to be vaccinated already, why should they worry about getting infection? They should worry because we now know that most of the people that get infected are not the non-vaccinated population but the vaccinated population.

Linda Mackenzie: Right!

Andreas Moritz: Like the mumps outbreak in New York where fifteen hundred were infected and seventy seven percent of them were fully vaccinated. And we see that you go through the history of vaccination, you find that in every instance, that most people that were infected by any infectious disease… they were the fully vaccinated ones and the smallest numbers is among non-vaccinated population.

Linda Mackenzie: I am going to bring this to a standby kind of a thing. When we get back, we have got another break but I want to bring this, kind of, to the standby, that is really happening today, so stay with us……….

                                             …….Welcome back. You are listening to the Linda Mackenzie show. We have today Andreas Moritz, author of “Vaccine-Nation.” You know we are a positive network and we do not do controversy usually, at least without answers, and the reason I wanted to, I feel very passionate about this because if you have the knowledge then you can make an informed decision so that, but you do not, if you are only getting one side of the story like the pharmaceutical companies and the government, that unfortunately is being hoodwinked with us then you know you are not able to make informed decisions and that is why I feel very adamant that Andreas Moritz he did fantastic research work. “Vaccine-Nation” is definitely one of the books, those books that you should get. You can get it at, I am sure you can find out more about it, at in the book, it talks about what a vaccine hangover is, it talks about the autism link it talks about all of the… it has everything in it so it is really great, he even gives you the whole truth on how to stay healthy, but right now, yesterday, there was something in the BBC and the story went that they have a microchip, which is nanotechnology, that they are placing in the viruses now, a couple of weeks ago it reported on the health news that they have things finer than the finest hair that they actually put in drugs now, so that your doctor can sit on his computer and could actually see if you have taken the right dose and where it is in your system and they can even see if you are not taking it anymore. Okay, so with these flus now, these flu vaccines… and vaccines…. they are now putting this nano technology microchip in that, have you heard about that Andreas?

Andreas Moritz: Oh, actually I have heard about this ten years ago, believe it or not,

Linda Mackenzie: Oh!

Andreas Moritz: And so I followed it and there is some literature that is very credible, that shows that they were planning to do this all along in the name of making it easier for medical doctors to diagnose illness and to get a good idea of what this person is all about who is sitting in front of them, that means they will know their history, the medical history, the disease and everything, and so they are basically… they are saying this is a good thing, everyone should have this, but it is a dodgy subject because many people said “oh, I do not want the government snooping around in my body, they will figure out everything about me,” because what else could they do?

Linda Mackenzie: One of the things that I think they can do because if and it is not unprecedented what they have is, if you got the live virus in your system right, when they… whether now or in the future… have a trigger and if it is all computer controlled or frequency… radio frequency controlled…. or whatever it is, if they do not like you, they can just activate that virus, or if through the vaccination, or they could say okay this  group of people we like, so we are going to make sure that the virus vaccine is immune and turn it off, but, we do not like those people over there, so let’s just give them the virus and kill them. And I think that if they do not have it now, I think that they will be doing something like that because what better way to fight biological warfare…

Andreas Moritz: Oh, absolutely!

Linda Mackenzie: ….and control

Andreas Moritz: You are right about that, the technology exists, there is no doubt about it, they’re even openly admitting they have this technology. You can now even trigger heart attacks in people remotely so that is been known and a lot of people did already die because of that, but and we do not even have to put something into the human body, we can use other instruments, like playing the harp H-A-R-P…

Linda Mackenzie: Right , right , right.

Andreas Moritz: …so mind control is not something that is a young, it is actually quite an old technology.

Linda Mackenzie: Right, I had a friend of mine who was working on sound frequencies, on the different frequencies of every illness and he could actually help heal the body, and the government actually took it in, they had frequencies where you can beam down a satellite, if used the right frequency, then people turned to water in the street, if it was hit. So I know all this exists, but, as far as the vaccines, I am very afraid when the government says that everybody has to be inoculated and then it’s control, that is not freedom and that does not belong in the United States as far as I am concerned and that is what concerns me about these vaccines.

Andreas Moritz: You are absolutely correct about that and that is why we hope that things with the economy are not going to go as well as it should be and so we do need a collapse of where the funds are drying out for these programs and for making people subjected to vaccination, forced vaccination, which it is a direct way to spread disease, that we are now seeing that over and over again looking at the proof in the historic records and the data, the statistical data, you can sicken entire countries by doing that, and so there is a lot of power where these individuals and elite groups are sitting and they can do whatever they want, so it is time for the system to crack, to break up and for the economy to perhaps collapse to a point that we can recreate it on a sound basis that is not based on manipulation and…

Linda Mackenzie: Power and control and money, but you know, everything is working towards that so we have to understand, so I tell everyone now of the FDA approval and for the pharmaceutical company executives and the people that run it, let us make sure that we are sending them a love and light like pesky little fleas, just keep on hitting them with that love energy, saying do the right thing, we are all connected, keep at them like little fleas, it would be really great if all you guys get together in one place ,you can change it in a minute but you are a little lazy, we understand this, you got busy, things to do, but let’s this week, concentrate on sending all the love and light and make sure that you are saying do the right things to all of those wonderful pharmaceutical heads because we do not want to get against them, we want to make the positive energy up. We are out of time.

                                  Thank you Andreas Moritz for being with us. Everybody get his book “Vaccine-Nation“, okay… very good book, and pass it on to your friends. Do a homeschooling, go to private schools, you do not have to suppress your freedom, you do not have to do that. Take care everyone. We will be right back.

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