By Andreas Moritz
Autoimmune Disease Myths Unraveled – PART 1
Our intestinal tract is constantly exposed to a large number of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. In addition to these and many other natural antigens (foreign materials) contained in plant and flesh foods, the digestive system may also have to deal with chemical insecticides, pesticides, hormones, antibiotic residues, preservatives, and colorings contained in so many processed foodstuffs today. In addition, there is the organic plastic compound bisphenol A (BPA) – an antioxidant in plastic bottles and food packaging, leaching BPA into our food and beverages. This harmful ingredient is also found in the liners of metal food and beverage cans.
Many people are still exposed to the highly toxic chemical fluoride added to municipal water in the United States and other countries.
Some large-molecule medical drugs such as penicillin also act as toxins.
Possible naturally occurring antigens include pollen from flowers, plants, plant antibodies and enzyme inhibitors, fungi, mold, and the like.
It is the task of the immune system – most of it is located in the intestinal lining – to protect us against all these potentially harmful invaders and substances. To be able to accomplish this task every day, both the digestive and lymphatic systems must remain unobstructed and efficient. Gallstones in the liver seriously disrupt the digestive process, which leads to an overload of toxic substances in the gut, blood and lymph.
Most doctors consider arthritis an autoimmune disease affecting the synovial membrane. Autoimmunity is thought to be a condition in which the immune system develops immunity to its own cells. It results when antigen/antibody complexes (rheumatoid factors) are formed in the blood.
Naturally, the B-lymphocytes (immune cells) in the intestinal wall become stimulated and produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) when coming into contact with these antigens. However, a normal immune system requires the activation of these B-cells by T-cells (special lymphocytes that play a central role in cell-mediated immunity) before the former can produce antibodies in large quantities.
It is important to know that T-cells must be triggered first before the immune system can mount an inflammatory response in the intestines or elsewhere in the body. In spite of this well-established medical fact, modern medicine still hypothesizes that this kind of inflammatory response means the body is mistakenly attacking its own cells. However, there are major flaws in this theory, which proposes the body is capable of making grievous mistakes. However, we cannot draw the conclusion that the body is erroneous in its activities just because we don’t know why the body behaves in this way. Our lack of insight and understanding of the true mechanisms of disease and healing should not be misconstrued as incompetency on behalf of the body.
Taking Lessons from the Body
The actions the body takes during an autoimmune response are far from being miscalculated, accidental occurrences; in fact, they are based on the body’s innate wisdom, and they are intentional.
The T-cell activated immune cells circulate in the blood, and some settle in the lymph nodes, spleen, mucus membranes of the salivary glands, lymphatic system of the bronchial tubes, vagina or uterus, milk-producing mammary glands of the breasts, and capsular tissues of the joints.
If there is repeated exposure to the same types of toxic antigens in the gut lining, antibody production will increase dramatically, particularly in areas of the body where immune cells have settled because of a previous encounter with foreign, potentially harmful, invaders. Accordingly, the body goes into its inflammatory mode.
There are now 101 different diseases considered autoimmune diseases, including Autistic disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease, Lupus, Encephalomyelitis, Alopecia, Type 1 Diabetes, Epilepsy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Graves’ disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Psoriasis, Thyroiditis, Myocarditis, and Arthritis, a general term for more than 100 different diseases that affect the joints.
Since all these autoimmune diseases exhibit the same fundamental mechanism, allopathic medicine treats them basically in the same way, using IVIG, steroids, plasmapheresis or other cytotoxic and immunosuppressive treatments. These treatments often result in severe side effects that include kidney failure, fluid retention, liver tumors, heart attack, stroke, and death.
The standard medical approaches ignore the fact that autoimmune diseases are actually triggered by a protein on the surface of a virus, bacteria, food or other substance. T-cells only activate B-cells into action after an infection has occurred or they made contact with harmful chemicals or proteins in your food. By avoiding the antibody/antigen complex-provoking food or substance, the autoimmune response abates. The trick is finding out which proteins could serve as a trigger for an autoimmune response.
Eating cooked meat creates excess uric acid and ammonia in the body, both of which are toxic to the system. As a result of the applied heat, this protein food becomes coagulated (hardened) and denatured. Another example is the boiling of an egg; the heat causes its liquids to become hard. As a result, the polypeptide bonds cannot be broken down into amino acids. The immune system treats these damaged polypeptides as harmful invaders, and reacts by first engaging its T-cells, and then producing antibody complexes leading to inflammation.
Pasteurization of dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt also causes damage to the food’s polypeptides, and therefore may lead to autoimmune responses in the body. I have repeatedly witnessed a spontaneous recovery from the debilitating and often deadly autoimmune Crohn’s disease in patients after I recommended that they stop eating dairy products (or peanuts – a legume responsible for millions of serious allergic reactions each year). No other treatment was necessary.
The person who is most likely to develop an autoimmune disease tends to have low vitamin-D levels due to insufficient, regular sun exposure or use of sunscreens. Another reason is high toxicity evoking a bacterial, viral or fungal infection that causes the immune system to overreact to environmental toxins or foods. A third reason is significant immune deficiency. Immune deficiency is not an exclusive condition found only among older people, but it is becoming increasingly common among young adults and now even children.
The Vaccination Dilemma
Besides low levels of vitamin D, the commonest cause of immune deficiency and immune-suppression is vaccination. Vaccines are filled with dozens of carcinogenic chemicals, toxic metals, and protein fragments from animal parts, foreign DNA, formaldehyde, antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin, and adjuvants known to cause an abnormal hyper-activation of the immune system. Hyper-activation of the immune system always leads to weakening and suppression of natural immunity in the body.
The most commonly given adjuvants contain aluminum salt (aluminum phosphate), which is well-known for being a powerful neurotoxin, linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.
The body is designed to create natural immunity by using a different system from the one activated when a vaccine is injected into the body. This primary immune system, also known as IgA immune system, is strategically located in the body’s mucous membranes where pathogens and antigens normally make contact with the body.
The mucus membranes constitute the body’s first line of defense. It’s here that invading organisms (pathogens) and toxins are analyzed and dealt with in the most appropriate ways, usually without requiring an activation of the immune system. In other words, with relatively few exceptions like a few immunity-boosting infections (auto-immunization) during childhood, you would not even notice when your body encounters pathogens.
The situation, however, is very different when a virus is injected into your body in a vaccine, especially when combined with an adjuvant like aluminum phosphate or squalene. Your IgA immune system is not only bypassed but actually becomes suppressed, and your body’s immune system is forced into high gear in response to the vaccine components. When injected, the body considers adjuvants to be foreign bodies and, thus, it quickly elicits an intense, abnormal and long-lasting immune response.
Adjuvants help vaccine-manufacturers to drastically cut production costs. They allow them to produce more of the multiple-dose vials versus single-dose vials and to facilitate shipping large amounts of vaccine to doctor’s offices and clinics. Adjuvants in vaccine also reduce the amount of vaccine serum needed to evoke the same response. However, adjuvants in vaccine carry serious health risks, including autoimmune diseases, coma and death.
Adjuvants are so dangerous that it may just take one vaccine shot to permanently damage the immune system. According to a 2000 study published in the American Journal of Pathology, a single injection of the adjuvant squalene into rats triggered “chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation”, also known as rheumatoid arthritis.
It has been known since the 1930s that adjuvants can cause autoimmune disease. If scientists want to induce an autoimmune disease in a lab animal, they simple inject it with the adjuvant Freund’s Complete Adjuvant. If injected into humans via a vaccine, an adjuvant can trigger such a strong overreaction of the immune system that it loses its ability to distinguish what is foreign from what is ‘self’. This is the breaking point of ‘tolerance’ where the overwhelmed immune system, begins its indiscriminate assault on friend and foe alike – friend being the body’s own cells.[2] It is like a bull that is being speared by a Spanish bull fighter. In its utter state of desperation, the bull will attack anything that moves.
Even foreign, harmless substances which the immune would not normally react against are now being attacked, too. That is why allergies are so much higher among vaccinated than non-vaccinated individuals. In 1992, a study by the New Zealand Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) found that vaccinated versus unvaccinated children suffered five times more asthma and nearly three times more allergies.
An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system which causes the body to react to normally harmless substances in the environment. Adjuvants in vaccines are among the main culprits behind a hyperactive and overly sensitive immune system.
To read part 2 please click here
[1] Aprile, M.A. and Wardlaw, A.C., 1966. Aluminium compounds as adjuvants for vaccines and toxoids in man: A review Can. J. Public Health 57:343.