It’s Time to Come Alive

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It’s Time to Come Alive
Start Using the Amazing Healing Powers of Your Body, Mind and Spirit Today!
In this mind-body-spirit book, Andreas Moritz brings to light our deep inner need for abundance, love and spiritual wisdom. In addition, he assists the reader in developing a new sense of reality that is based on trust, power and happiness. He describes in detail our relationship with the natural world and how we can harness its tremendous powers for our personal benefit, as well as that of humanity as a whole. This book challenges some of our most ardently held beliefs and offers a way out of the restrictions and limitations we have created in our lives.
Product Details
Published: February 2010
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0976571528
ISBN-13: 978-0976571520
Product Dimensions: 6.0 x 0.6 x 9.0 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces
Foreign Language Editions of this Book Available on
Customer Reviews on
Inspirational beyond imagination!
“After reading this book of true wisdom and knowledge I realised just how little we as humans know about the universe, life and ourselves. I also realised how useless our education system has been, what a waste of precious life and just how dumbed down our society really is. We live in a world bombarded by lies, deception and superficiality, when it need not be this way at all.
We think we know, but we know nothing! We think we are right, but in actual fact we are wrong. We believe those with titles behind their names know more than us but who really know very little themselves. Just as the Native American Indians understood and identified with the Great Spirit within and had direct contact with the spirits of the universe and all of nature, so this book will shift your thinking and make you realise life from a totally different dimension and angle. A life worth living and as it’s so true title. It’s time to come alive, it will make you come alive and live live as it should be lived. Abundantly, happily and healthily!
Highly recommended, read all of his books for deeper understanding. Thank you Andreas Moritz, my mentor and inspirational guide.”
⁓ Savannah
Life changing
“I read a lot but could almost never say a book is life changing, but this one really is. The three books by Andreas Moritz that I have read have changed my way of eating, thinking and personal habits. I endeavour to put all his advice into practice because it makes so much sense.”
⁓ Anjapen
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