The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

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The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush (2012 Edition)
A Powerful Do-It-Yourself Tool to Optimize Your Health and Well-being…and Much More
In this greatly expanded edition of his international bestseller, Andreas Moritz reveals the most common but rarely recognized cause of illness – gallstones congesting the bile ducts in the liver.
Besides leading to gallbladder diseases and gallstone attacks in at least 20 million Americans each year, in many cases, liver bile duct congestion sets the stage for even more serious, seemingly unrelated conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Most adults living in the industrialized world, and especially those suffering a chronic illness, such as irritable bowel syndrome, heart disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer or diabetes, have in fact hundreds if not thousands of gallstones (mainly clumps of hardened bile that escape detection for they are invisible to X-rays, ultrasound, and CT scans) blocking the bile ducts of their liver.
This book provides a thorough understanding of the liver and its complex functions, what causes gallstones in the liver and gallbladder, and why these stones can be held responsible for the most common diseases so prevalent in the world today. It provides the reader with the knowledge needed to recognize these stones and gives the necessary, do-it-yourself instructions to painlessly remove them in the comfort of one’s home.
Packed with images, the book also gives practical guidelines on how to prevent new gallstones in both the liver and gallbladder. The liver and gallbladder flush (cleanse) has led to extraordinary improvements in health and wellness among millions of people who have already given themselves the precious gift of a strong, clean, revitalized liver.
Besides providing the practical procedures to cleanse the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and intestines, Moritz explains in great detail the origin of all types of common diseases and how to prevent or reverse them naturally. The book is filled with precious, time-tested approaches designed to return the body to a permanent state of balance and vitality; it includes a complete program of healthcare, which is primarily based on the ancient medical system of Ayurveda and the vast amount of experience Andreas Moritz had gained in the field of health restoration over 30 years.
Product Details
Published: October 2012
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0984595449
ISBN-13: 978-0984595440
Product Dimensions: 6.0 x 0.9 x 9.0 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds
(2012 Edition)
Most people believe that gallstones can be found only in the gallbladder. This is a common, yet false assumption. Most gallstones are actually formed in the liver, and comparatively few occur in the gallbladder. You can easily verify this by giving yourself a liver flush. It matters little whether you are a layperson, a medical doctor, a scientist, or someone whose gallbladder was removed and, therefore, is believed to be stone-free.
The results of the liver flush speak for themselves. No amount of scientific proof or medical explanation can make such a cleanse any more valuable than it already is. Once you see hundreds of green, beige-colored, brown, or black gallstones in the toilet bowl during your first liver flush, you will intuitively know that you are on to something extremely important in your life.
To satisfy your possibly curious mind, you may decide to take the expelled stones to a laboratory for chemical analysis or ask your doctor what she thinks about all that. Your doctor may either support you in your initiative to heal yourself, or tell you this is just ridiculous and warn you against it. Regardless of what others may say to you, what is most significant in this experience is that you have taken active responsibility for your own health, perhaps for the first time in your life.
Customer Reviews on
“I am on my fourth flush. Wow I can not sing the praises of this book enough. Thirty two years of liver pain from parasites going into my liver and leaving a calcified cyst. Now No pain. None Zero. I think of all the people lined up for liver transplants.
Here is what is more amazing. I had come to conclusion that most people can lose weight not from genetics but something simple like the gallbladder needs to be flushed or removed. So I followed the book and I did clean the gallbladder to help me possibly lose weight. Well, I am going toward a natural balance in my weight by already losing ten pounds. Without the starvation diets.
Sinus problems and allergies GONE Pain left knee GONE Hurtful liver pain GONE. Lower back pain GONE Need for endless coffee and tea GONE I also have all this natural energy. High cholesterol Gone Sugar levels from diabetes from 235 to 92.
I was unprepared for this.”⁓ Moe Armstrong (Cambridge, MA United States)
Fantastic guide to cleansing
“This is an incredible book and very informative. This has been my bible for liver cleansing. The information is offered very clearly and concisely. I am grateful to Andreas for his invaluable contribution. I highly recommend this book to anyone considering deep cleansing.”
⁓ M. Raja
“Hello Andreas, No question here, just a sincere “Thank You!” My wife and I just completed our 9th liver flush. We’re having good results and know we have a long way to go. We follow your book’s instructions to the letter. Found out about it from a mutual friend who works at IHM.
One of my employee’s liver cancer came out of remission and she was back on chemo, so I gave her a copy of your book and she began doing the flushes with me and my wife (her oncologist approved the flush as well as taking the Chanca Piedra!). She had 3 tumors on her liver and was facing more aggressive chemo another round of heat treatments &/or surgery to remove them. After five liver flushes, her blood work was normal, fatty liver was “gone”, two tumors were gone and the 3rd had shrunk to the size of a dime. She had a CT Scan at Stanford before her 7th flush and the 3rd tumor was gone. The oncologist has her doing only 2 more rounds of chemo and she’s done. He (the oncologist) told her she needed to thank whoever told her about the liver flush. He also told her to thank them from him, too, so passing the thanks along to you.
BTW- she just completed her 7th flush and she passed over 1,000 black stones.
With deep appreciation.”
⁓ E. H. USA
“Mr. Moritz, I just wanted to thank you on behalf of my wife. About a year ago, my wife began to suffer from gallbladder stones. The pain was unbearable at times. She went home (Colombia) for a few days and saw her doctor. An ultrasound was performed and they found her gallbladder was “full of stones” he immediately recommended surgery. She did not agree with him. My wife is a very spiritual person. She practices Reiki and all sorts of oriental and Egyptian rituals, including meditation, natural healing, etc. She found your book and performed approximately 3 cleansing sessions. She is in Colombia again visiting her family and went to see her doctor again. To his amazement she only has 1 small stone left. She will continue with the cleansing process until her gallbladder is clear. Your procedure does work. Thank you so much!”
⁓ R. R. USA
“I was detected multiple gallstones in my gallbladder of collectively size 12.5 mm in Jan 2010 (I had tried three different radiologist and get three different reports from them. Two are saying there are multiple stones in my gallbladder and one is saying there is one calcified stone of size more then 10.5 mm). I had gone through many gallbladder attacks that time (probably 35-40 attacks from Nov 2009 to May 2010). This was terrible time for me. I consulted many doctors for alternative treatment other then operation but no result and no hope came from any of them. My situation was going to be worst and finally I decided for surgery. At that time I was surfing on Internet about how the stones formed in gallbladder? What is the importance of this vital organ? And how is life without gallbladder? I was shocked to read that gallbladder is such an important organ and after surgery my life is going to be dumb. I explore more and more and finally I got my destination. Andreas moritz –The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush. I bought this book and gone through within a week. I finally decided to do the liver flush suggested in this book. I follow all the instructions thoroughly and done my first liver flush in May 2010. After first liver flush my 40-50 % symptoms has been gone within few days. Back pain, shoulder pain, allergy on my left leg has been gone. No gallbladder attack after first flush. I have got small shiny crystals like substance in my stool and no stone. I had tried second liver flush after one month in June 2010 and got many light green color stones in my stool. Food intolerance had gone after second flush and I had left antacids and dygine because I was suffering from acute acidity. In my third liver flush I have got some dark green color stones. My fourth liver flush I got more then 100 dark green color stones of sizes from 1mm to 2 cm. The images I have uploaded . Now I have no symptoms, no pain, no allergy, no gallbladder attack, no acidity. I have changed my life style. I am taking simple and veg diet and doing Prayanam and Yoga in morning and following all the rules suggested by Andreas Mortiz in his book and Baba Ramdev. I am taking plenty of pure water everyday (this is very important because dehydration is a major cause of Gallstones) Andreas wrote in his book that 6-7 liver flushes will require cleaning complete liver and gallbladder. I have done five liver flushes so far and living healthy life. Hopefully I will save my vital organ. MY FIFTH LIVER FLUSH I HAVE GOT ONLY CLEAR GREEN COLOUR DENSE LIQUID ONLY.
⁓ M.B, USA
…I understand now how Andreas lovingly and humbly repeated the same thing over and over to many people. He always found a way to explain it a little differently to each individual so they would understand. I understand so clearly his simple message of how powerful his gift of the knowledge of Liver flushing is. How he perfected the cleanse. It’s such a gift…
⁓ Jose