Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

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(6th Edition, 2011)
**Please make sure to look for and select the Kindle 6th Edition (2011 publication) if you are interested in reading the latest edition of this eBook, which contains minor revisions and updates to the 4th edition (2007 publication).
Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation
Breakthrough Medicine for the 21st Century
(Paperback: 2007 Edition, 546 pages)
(eBook: 2011 Edition, minor revisions/updates)
These “Timeless Secrets” Free You From Medicine’s Most Dangerous Myths. It’s Time to Finally Reclaim the Youthfulness, Vitality and Abundant Health You Deserve
Flying in the face of mainstream medicine and society’s many health myths, here is a book that finally proves that good health is by far the most valuable possession you can ever have. More than that: radiant health is not only easily achievable – no matter where you are right now – it’s your natural state.
Compiled over the course of 30 years in the health industry, and by working directly with thousands of people across the globe, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation reveals everything you need to know in order to unleash the natural healing power that lies dormant within you.
You may wonder, “How could one book possibly do all this?” After all, many books make big health promises and then fail to deliver. But the answer is simple: Timeless Secrets is different – and works – because: (1) it gives you deeper insights and perspectives that literally put you back “into the driver’s seat” of your body and mind; and, (2) it reveals literally hundreds and hundreds of controversial, yet highly practical secrets proven to trigger health, wellness and accelerated healing.
You’ll Get Little-Known, Ancient Secrets – Successfully Used for Thousands of Years …
… Plus, you’ll discover newer ones that have been researched and documented by some of the leading authorities in the world, both mainstream and alternative … and most importantly, you’ll discover the very secrets which have worked – time and time again – for the countless people Andreas Mortitz has helped heal in his 30+ years of front-line experience.
No matter what your current level of health and wellness, the scores of brand new tips … breakthroughs … “aha!” moments … practices … and discoveries you make while reading
Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation are sure to help you quickly reclaim life’s happiest, most valuable possession: your health.
The best part: you’ll get it all in plain English, with step-by-step, “do-this-then-do-that” instructions – so there’s never an ounce of guesswork – thereby empowering you to live with more youthfulness, balance and joy, from the very first moment you open the book.
So why not put Timeless Secrets to the test? It may prove to be the most comprehensive, life-changing health guide you ever read.
Product Details
Published: December 2007
Language: English
ISBN-10: 097927575X
ISBN-13: 978-0979275753
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 1.1 x 11.0 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds

eBook: 546 pages
Published: March 2011 (minor revisions/updates)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 978-0-979-2757-6-0
(2007 Edition)
Good health is the most valuable possession you could possibly have. This simple truth applies as much to a newborn baby as to an elderly man, a mother, a doctor, the common person on the street, or the president of a country. Whenever your body becomes sick or does not perform up to what you feel to be normal, you may experience a state of discomfort, fear or depression that can only be remedied by restoring your body’s former health and vitality. To truly feel comfortable within yourself and in your surroundings, you must be able to heal every kind of “dis-ease” that you experience.
You are indeed capable of healing yourself. Your state of health is but a reflection of how you perceive yourself and your world. This naturally places the responsibility for your wellbeing where it belongs-in your own hands. Once you have achieved vibrant health, you will not just feel well. You will have become “whole,” perhaps, for the very first time in your life.
Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation can help unleash the tremendous power of healing that lies dormant within you and restore balance on all levels of the body, mind and spirit. Using you own healing powers establishes a permanent comfort zone or continuous sense of satisfaction, which forms the basis for a creative, successful and rewarding life.
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Customer Reviews on Amazon.com
“I have read many health related books since I got sick (MS) and this one is definitely the best I have found so far. I recommend it to every body who is sick to get better and who is healthy to maintain his or her health. The explanations are clear and the results of the treatments he suggests amazing (the liver and gallbladder flush especially) it also gives you the encouraging to go ahead. Definitely a life saver!!!”
⁓ Claudia Cirici Saravia (Guatemala)
The Ultimate Health Education Book!
“I absolutely love this book! Its thick, like a health bible….and it is :)
Andreas explains everything related to illnesses and disease in this book…how it comes about, what we can do about it and also how to keep our health at peak levels. He speaks about cancer, diabetes and host of other serious illnesses in this book. Amazing read.
I love the fact he explains very clearly that almost every disease is a toxicity crisis in the body and how the traditional medicine treats the symptoms and mostly always the “wrong” is being treated….as the symptoms of the disease are NOT the cause of the disease, they are the EFFECT!
Love this book and would recommend to everyone who is health focused or passionate like myself…or even suffering already with some illnesses or diseases.
Learn truly where they come from and how to keep your body in ultimate health. It will take work, a lot of work…but it’s well worth it!I have a degree in nutrition, however this was the best book I’ve ever read on “health” subject! I also recommend the other books by Andreas, especially the one on Vaccination and the Liver and Gallbladder cleanse!
I have an 8 year old little girl, never vaccinated her thank God due to me doing a lot of research myself while pregnant with her, and it was my best decision for her :)”
⁓ Andrea Hale (California, USA)
Click here to read another 177 customer reviews on Amazon
Thank you so much. Just love all the information I am getting. Seems like it was divine intervention that brought this website to my attention. It is reconfirming my belief that one’s body can heal itself. Oh so much good information – thank you.
⁓ Kay Martin