Timeless Wisdom from Andreas Moritz

Timeless Wisdom from Andreas Moritz
Sage Guidance and Wisdom ~ Lovingly Shared
Timeless Wisdom from Andreas Moritz is a respectful compilation of quotes, carefully selected from Andreas’ comments and responses to questions posed on his forums or addressed to him one on one. His deep spiritual awareness, compassion and pure, loving essence, combined with a thorough understanding of the human body, have inspired thousands of people to lead more vital, uplifting and balanced lives.
“Open up your heart like a flower in the sun, ask a question in your mind,
open this book to any page, and receive your answer with gratitude.”
May these words, sentiments and loving guidance continue to provide comfort and warmth, wrapped in timeless support and healing from the heart.
Product Details
Published: December 2013
Language: English
ISBN-10: 098925870X
ISBN-13: 978-0-9892587-0-8
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces
Customer Reviews on Amazon.com
A truly extraordinary book
“Although Andreas Moritz is perhaps best known and appreciated for his profound insights and understanding related to the functioning of our human body, those of us who have been privileged to know him throughout his life are keenly aware that his insights extended far beyond our human form, into the essence of Life, itself.
Like a contemporary ‘Rumi’, Andreas’ wisdom is indeed timeless, enabling us to perceive and appreciate life in unique ways, and thus enrich our daily living. Timeless Wisdom from Andreas Moritz is a rich collection gleaned from his lifetime of writings and teachings. Whether read from cover to cover in one sitting, or used as daily seed thoughts for deep contemplation and inspiration related to our own life, this insightful book offers us an opportunity to transcend the limitations of what Thoreau might refer to as an ‘ordinary life,’ opening a doorway that leads to a truly extraordinary one.”
⁓ John Hornecker
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