Can someone who has Colon Cancer do Colon Hydrotherapy ?

Hi, this is a question from Roberto who is wondering if someone with colon cancer should do colon hydrotherapy. Because he says that the providers of the therapy said that it is contraindicated to a person with colon cancer and cirrhosis.

Personally, if I had such a condition, I would go against the advice of the colon hydro-therapist and do it anyway. Because even though there is a slight risk of irritation that can occur while you do the colon hydrotherapy when you have an existing inflammatory condition such as colitis in the colon that are precancerous cells or fully developed cancer cells, they always do it gently using a system that does not do it, that only very gently releases the water into the colon rather than opening the flood gates and putting in a lot of water very quickly.

So I would do it very gently and that should be absolutely fine. It is better to release the colon of any accumulated waste products which particularly tends to happen that the body holds on to waste when there is a cancer because any kind of wound or any inflammation will cause contraction of the intestines and that can always lead to holding on or holding back intestinal waste matter and that can lead to more problems for the cancer as well as for the recovery. So absolutely, again with liver cirrhosis there is not much out there that can help liver cirrhosis, except liver flushes and liver flushes should be combined with colon cleansing.

Anything that helps to get rid of toxins and waste matter in a gentle and in a controlled manner is something that I would recommend, because otherwise suffocation may result in more destruction in the body and in the liver with regards to liver cirrhosis. It is a progressive illness if you are not relieving the liver of accumulated and intra hepatic gallstones and toxins that these stones contain.

So once again I am in favor of cleansing, that is just a matter, you probably will not find a colon hydro-therapist that is taking the risk of doing a colonic for a person who has colon cancer because there are legal matters involved and it is just something one has to consider, I would get a colon or colema board ‘C-O-L-E-M-A’ you can find information on my website “” that is a very gentle way of doing colon hydrotherapy, but without causing irritation or pressure in the colon unnecessarily that could potentially cause issues to a person who has colon cancer.

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