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Green Tea – A Tea for Life

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted: December 8, 2011 — updated 2018

For more than 30 years, Western researchers have known that the occurrence of solid tumor cancers is far less in countries where populations consume large amounts of green tea. Cultures that are endowed with a long tea tradition have much to contribute to individual and global health. However, this applies only to green tea. Regular black tea, presently very popular almost everywhere, has not much to […]

Dangers of Microwave Cooking – It Destroys Your Food First and Then You!

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:   September 20, 2012 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Cancer Is Not a Disease – It’s a Survival Mechanism

Are you aware of the dangers of microwave cooking? What they do to water, food, and your body?

Russian researchers have found decreased nutritional value, cancer-making compounds and brain-damaging radiolytics in virtually all microwave-prepared foods. Eating microwave-prepared meals can also cause loss of memory and concentration, emotional instability and a decline in intelligence, according to the […]

Could Your Annual Doctor’s Visit Cause More Harm than Good?

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

In a startling reversal of years of pressing healthy and symptom-free men to get routine PSA prostate tests, U.S. health officials now say these tests do more harm than good.

What’s more, the United States Preventive Services Task Force […]

NEW Urgent Warning to All Cell Phone Users

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

If you think the jury’s still out on whether cell phones can be dangerous to your health, then you might want to take the time to listen to this video. Dr. Devra […]

Study: CT Scans Raise Risk of Brain Cancer in Children

By:  Jonathan Benson  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

Children who undergo computed tomography (CT) scans during their early years are significantly more prone to develop brain cancer than children who are not exposed to this high radiation source. These are the findings of a new study […]

Can Celery Be Useful to Treat Breast Cancer?

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

The University of Missouri was abuzz with excitement recently when researchers announced they’d found a non-toxic treatment that can stop breast cancer in its tracks.

In the study, this treatment worked even on deadly, fast-growing breast tumors, inhibiting cell […]

75% of Physicians in the World Refuse Chemotherapy for Themselves

By:  S. D. Wells  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

Doctors used to think that if they drained a sick person’s blood it would purge the “evil” infection or disease right out of the body, but all that did was make the ill person much weaker, unable […]

New Evidence Against These Cancer Causing Foods and the Massive Cover-Up Effort

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

The World According to Monsanto is an absolutely brilliant documentary that should be on the required viewing list of virtually everyone on the planet. While it’s already a few years old, the information it contains will remain current […]

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