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Emotional Healing and the Physical Side of Emotions

By:  Andreas Moritz
Book excerpt:  It’s Time to Come Alive

When I first came across the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine in 1981, I had no idea how profoundly it would change my life. It gave me a new perspective that made everything in life more meaningful and important. The Ayurvedic sages, from their unbiased perspective of unity consciousness, clearly saw that all problems begin with a ‘mistake of the intellect’. They claimed that by not knowing […]

Doing a Colon Cleanse Before and After a Liver Flush or Liver Cleanse is Extremely Important

Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  May 29, 2012 — updated 2016

This is a topic which I have discussed in my book, The Amazing Liver And Gallbladder Flush, but I would like to re-emphasize that it is extremely important to clean out the colon before each liver flush and after […]

Doctors Need to Ask about You Instead of About your Disease

Interview:   Andreas Moritz and Raena Morgan  (2011)

Raena Morgan: You have a quote in your book from Hippocrates. It’s about knowing the person that has the disease rather than knowing what the disease is, right?

Andreas Moritz: Yes.

RM: That’s pretty powerful, and he said that a long time ago.

AM: Yes. That question is hardly ever asked when […]

High Intake of Cholesterol Shown to Actually Repair Damaged Brains

By:  Ethan A. Huff  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

Including high-cholesterol foods as part of a healthy diet may not be the poor dietary choice we have all been told it is, suggests a new study published in the journal Nature Medicine. It turns out that […]

Germ Theory Delusions Collapse as New Science Reveals Healthy People Carry 10,000 Different Germ Strains at All Times

By:  Ethan A. Huff  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

The human body is essentially a “germ” factory, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. A new study published as a series of reports in the journals Nature and Public Library of Science (PLoS) debunks the […]

South Carolina Man Starts Urban Garden to Feed Those in Need, Teach People How to Grow Food

By:  Jonathan Benson  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

The relatively modest, two-and-a-half acre plot of formerly unused land behind the Wild Radish Health Store in Greenville, South Carolina, is quickly burgeoning into a cornucopia of organic squash, kale, blueberries and other fresh fruits and vegetables. Thanks […]

Mounting Evidence Pegs Broccoli as One of Nature’s Most Health-Promoting Foods, Tackling Hypertension, Cancer, and More

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

Mounting scientific studies have demonstrated that broccoli is one of nature’s most valuable health-promoting foods. Science has proven time after time that Mother Nature is the best physician, and food is the best medicine.

A recent study, published in […]

May Alleviate Cancer Without Chemo, But it’s Forbidden

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

If your child were diagnosed with a very serious, very rare form of brain cancer, what would you do?

Where would you turn?

This is the situation that Rick Schiff, a police sergeant with the San Francisco Police Department, and […]

New Discovery May Safeguard Your Brain from Dementia

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

Could fasting for two days a week prevent age-related brain shrinkage, heart disease, diabetes, and possibly even cancer? New research suggests that fasting triggers a variety of health-promoting hormonal and metabolic changes. Fasting – quantified as consuming somewhere […]

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: The French Paradox Explained

By:  Carolanne Wright  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

Imagine living in a world where everyone could eat whatever they wanted while maintaining a svelte figure, radiant health and a joyful orientation toward life. Enter the French paradox. Here is a culture which traditionally and consistently consumes […]

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