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Do Vegetarians Have Healthier Hearts?

Interview:   Andreas Moritz and Raena Morgan  (2011)

Raena Morgan: There are actually studies that show vegetarians have less heart disease than carnivores.

Andreas Moritz: Absolutely. And that’s not necessarily because of the fats. Initially, many years ago, people were told avoid fats like butter.

RM: Saturated fats.

AM: Yes. And they then introduced margarine, which in fact turned out […]

Tips for Healing Ear Infections

Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

Hi, this is a question from a reader who asked what you can do if you have an ear infection. And this is more common amongst children nowadays because of vaccinations. There are studies to show that vaccinated children have 5 times the number of ear infections than non-vaccinated children.

It also happens when a child or an adult eats a […]

How to Heal a Gallstone Attack

Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

Hi, this is Andreas Moritz and this is in response to a question that I frequently receive, and that is, “How do you deal with a gallstone attack if it happens after eating a greasy, fatty meal?”

When a person has gallstones in the gallbladder or even in the bile ducts of the liver, then eating a fatty meal causes the […]

Fluorescent Lighting is Harmful for the Body

Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

Hi this is a question from Donna about florescent lighting and if a person suffers from environmental sensitivities, if there is any advice I can give?

Florescent lighting is very unnatural for the body; I have written about it extensively in my […]

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