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Donald Trump Speaks Out Against Vaccines

By:  Andreas Moritz
Book excerpt:  The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Thankfully, some very influential spokespeople and celebrities are now coming to the aid of the ostracized vaccine safety awareness movement, including business mogul Donald Trump. During an interview with Fox News on April 2, 2012, the anniversary of the fifth annual World Autism Awareness Day, Trump unexpectedly raised serious concern about vaccinations. He told viewers: “I strongly believe that Autism Spectrum Disorders are linked to exposure […]

More Vaccine Failures – Lethal Poultry Virus Strains Caused by Gene Swapping Vaccines

By:  Andreas Moritz  (2012)

The latest vaccine failures stem from the fact that they can cause the body to develop viral ‘mutants’ and even spread the newly created disease to the population at large. Since viral mutants are rarely detected in blood donor screening, they can easily be transmitted through donated blood. This way, the original vaccines may be able to wipe out the strains of virus that are known to cause these various diseases, but in the same […]

By |September 12, 2012|Categories: Vaccines, Viruses|

Vaccines Suspected in Death of 4 Infants

By:  Andreas Moritz  (2012)

For many decades, leading scientists and doctors have vehemently promoted the idea that immunization of children is necessary to protect them from contracting such diseases as diphtheria, polio, cholera, typhoid, or malaria. Yet evidence is mounting that immunization may not only […]

Merck Vaccine Fraud Exposed by Two Merck Virologists; Company Faked Mumps Vaccine Efficacy Results for Over a Decade, Says Lawsuit

By:  Mike Adams  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

Breaking news: According to two Merck scientists who filed a False Claims Act complaint in 2010 — a complaint which has just now been unsealed — vaccine manufacturer Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test data, spiked blood […]

Italian Court Reignites MMR Vaccine Debate After Award Over Child with Autism

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

Many parents don’t think twice about taking their children in for routine vaccinations, as they are an integral and heavily promoted part of the conventional medical system. But this decision has had life altering, and sometimes life-ending, ramifications […]

Coming Soon: New Technology to Help ‘Persuade’ You to Vaccinate

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

Faster than a speeding bullet, closer to the speed of sound―in the very near future your next vaccine may be injected into your body quicker than the blink of your eye.

And it’ll be nearly painless, […]

MMR Causes Autism, Proven in Italian Court Case

By:  D. Holt  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

For many years the stories from devastated parents have been eerily similar. A young, bright child vaccinated with MMR, has minor side effects such as high temperature and being off food, and then develops the debilitating disability of autism.

Whilst the mainstream medical profession deny the link between autism and the […]

Vaccinated Children Have Up to 500% More Disease than Unvaccinated Children

By:  P. F. Louis  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children.

They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood […]

Government Report: Many Vaccines are Expired or Improperly Stored, Putting Children at Serious Risk

By:  Jonathan Benson  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

A recent report issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of the Inspector General contains some shocking new information about vaccines. It turns out that millions of vaccines administered to children every single […]

Ask Your Doctor: Are You Being Bribed to Recommend This?

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

Ever wonder why your child’s pediatrician—or your own physician for that matter—seems to be pushing vaccines on you every time you walk in the door? Does your doctor actually seem angry if you’re not interested in buying a […]

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