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Emotional Healing and the Physical Side of Emotions

By:  Andreas Moritz
Book excerpt:  It’s Time to Come Alive

When I first came across the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine in 1981, I had no idea how profoundly it would change my life. It gave me a new perspective that made everything in life more meaningful and important. The Ayurvedic sages, from their unbiased perspective of unity consciousness, clearly saw that all problems begin with a ‘mistake of the intellect’. They claimed that by not knowing […]

Aspartame is a Dangerous Food Additive – Six Healthy & Natural Alternatives

By:  Andreas Moritz
Book excerpt:  Simple Steps to Total Health

As more and more people have become aware of the health hazards of sugar, there has been a tendency to look for sugar substitutes.

The most widely used artificial sweetener today is aspartame, known under trade names such as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, Benevia and NatraTaste. Since the patent on it has now expired, it will undoubtedly show up on the market under a variety of new trade […]

Alternative to Citrus Fruit Juice for Liver and Gallbladder Flush (Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse)

Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  March 4, 2012 — updated 2016

This is Andreas Moritz and here is a question from April Blake, who is wondering if there is an alternative to citrus fruit juice for the liver and gallbladder flush (also known as the liver and gallbladder cleanse) because she is allergic to citrus.

It’s not the best […]

Liver and Gallbladder Flushes Help Kidney Function and Health

Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  May 29, 2012 — updated 2016

Hi, this is a question from Colette Devine and she is asking “if your body leaches calcium and you are highly prone to getting kidney stones, will your gallbladder and liver flush help with the kidney stones? My second flush is beginning today and my sister is on her […]

How to Get Off Dialysis Support and Heal the Kidneys

Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  March 4, 2012 — updated 2016

This is a question from a person whose wife has been on dialysis for at least 10 years and during this time she is undergoing dialysis about three times a week, every second or third day. She is tired of doing this, and obviously it is interfering with her […]

Doing a Colon Cleanse Before and After a Liver Flush or Liver Cleanse is Extremely Important

Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  May 29, 2012 — updated 2016

This is a topic which I have discussed in my book, The Amazing Liver And Gallbladder Flush, but I would like to re-emphasize that it is extremely important to clean out the colon before each liver flush and after […]

Eating Garlic is Very Toxic for the Body

Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:   September 14, 2011 — updated 2016

Ayurvedic medicine, the oldest form of medicine, does not recommend garlic at all. And they had very good reasons for this since it is known to be one of the most toxic herbs or plants, not fit for human consumption. This is because of its known destructive effects. […]

Watch What Kind of Water You Drink – 8 Methods of Using House Water Filtration

By:  Andreas Moritz
Book excerpt:  Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

Water is perhaps the best and most natural beverage for your body. The next challenge is to find a source of water that doesn’t make you sick. Chlorine in your drinking water can certainly make you sick, according to a gigantic Finnish study of 621,431 individuals living in 56 towns. The researchers were able to determine that women who were exposed to chlorinated water had a […]

Is Eating Raw Food More Healthy? – Understanding the Risks and Benefits

Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Book excerpt:  Feel Great, Lose Weight

If processed foods are so damaging to our bodies, are uncooked or unprocessed foods the answer?Before I answer that question, here is something to think about. Did you know that when you heat food that is heated above 188 degrees Fahrenheit, the enzymes in it break down and […]

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