By: P. E. Winchester

In the continued effort by government and the pharmaceutical industry to push increasing amounts of vaccinations on the general public, the California Center for Disease Control advocates for an adult immunization schedule including:

Seasonal Influenza (flu)
Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (TDaP)
Shingles (for adults 60 and older)
Pneumococcal disease (for 65 and older, or specific health concerns)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Hepatitis A and B
Chicken Pox,
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

The CDC puts forth completely misleading articles designed to convince the individual that all this is actually required for a healthy life. The page begins: “Immunizations are NOT just for kids! Whether a young adult, middle-aged adult, or senior citizen, we ALL need immunizations to keep us healthy.” This is directly from the CDC, unaltered; notice the emphasis and the terms. That is called propaganda, designed specifically to make you feel a certain way, and it is combined with graphics depicting smiling happy older folks with a little bandage on their arm where they got the shot, implying that you will be creating a happy world by getting vaccinated. The pharmaceutical companies sure are smiling, carrying out their eugenics program.

This is designed to continue the trend of having life long pharmaceutical customers riddled with disease. The evidence that these vaccines are effective is negligible at best. Recent whooping cough outbreaks in California involved more than 90% immunized children, proving that there is no such thing as “herd immunity.” As well, it is well documented that with the increase in immunization, an increase in chronic illness, allergies, auto-immune disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders is seen.

The recent discovery of recombinant HPV DNA bound to the aluminum adjuvant in the HPV vaccine is very concerning; there is no reason to inject people with aluminum, known to have neurologically damaging effects. Many vaccines contain thimerosal, which is made with mercury – also very damaging. This and the other serious health effects of the HPV vaccine and others have been covered in depth by Natural News.

The CDC is also guilty of misrepresenting state law regarding children’s vaccines, thus perpetuating the lie that they are required for school. In a recent back to school vaccine push, the California CDC put forth that proof of administration of the TDaP vaccine was required for 7th graders to return to school. When the law is inspected however, it says specifically that the shot is “recommended” and not required. It also makes note that there is a religious and personal belief waiver. Why doesn’t the CDC say that? That would be an honest government using tax dollars to inform the public about laws, but obviously that is not what we have. It’s time to hold these institutions to a higher standard, or eliminate them altogether.

Combine all this with the modern industrial diet, which exposes the body to more cancer and disease causing elements. Mercury is in the corn syrup. GMO products are shown to cause sterility in 3 generations of rodents who eat them, and they are linked to livestock death. This is a recipe for disaster, causing a society that is chronically unhealthy, yet the CDC does not address this. They push the pharmaceutical angle with no real debate, regardless of the fact that the CDC themselves have record of vaccines causing damage.

Humans have an amazingly powerful immune system, which is strengthened through the power of whole nutrition and contact with the natural world (like getting sunlight and touching the earth to get minerals and to ground the body’s electrical charge). This is how to be healthy and strong, not with vaccinations.

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