Dealing with nose burns

Hi, this is a message from Matt and he is wondering if there is a special solution for the so called Pitta body types to prevent burning of their noses in the sun.

The Pitta body type is the most prone to get burned in the sun, so it is better to wear a hat so that you do not burn the nose, especially. If there is nose burning very easily, then that is usually because there are some acids that are not removed from the system properly.

I personally used to have the same problem before I cleaned out my liver and after my liver was capable of removing of any toxins and the metabolic waste products like lactic acid, uric acid, urea, ammonia and so on, then I stopped experiencing burning of my nose. so you can definitely make improvements in that regard but if you still burn your nose when you are in the sun, then I would suggest wearing a hat would be probably the best solution.

Otherwise there are a couple of oils that you can use, coconut oil, definitely is the probably the best, but it will not prevent you from burning your nose. So any kind of reddening in the body of the skin when you are exposed to the sun is a telltale sign that it is time for you to go in the shade. You still get benefit from UV radiation even if you are outside somewhere in the shade, you still get benefit from sun exposure indirectly, so, take advantage of that because Pitta types also need to produce vitamin D and even though they make vitamin D faster than other body types, its still a good idea to spend a considerable amount of time outdoors and take care of your diet and lifestyle so that you do not cause extra burning.

I found that when people’s bodies are really clear of toxins no matter even Pitta body types can spend time in the outdoors, directly in the sun without getting burned but, eventually they do develop resistance and the melanin producing cells will shed out or produce more melanin to protect the skin against damage.

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