By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  September 16, 2011 — updated 2017

This is a question from Denise who asked, “What kind of stones are released or emitted during a liver flush?” She has a client who has just finished her 8th liver cleanse and continues to release many large and small green, yellow, brown stones. This time she released 10 dense, light yellow clumps that were of a 1/4 inch to 1 inch and she is wondering what kind of stones they were.

There can be all kinds of stones in different colors and sizes, and different density; it depends on where they originate. Many stones originate from the bile ducts in the liver and these tend to be dark green ones. Very dark green and black stones are very old stones. There can also be red ones which are bilirubin stones, again originating in the liver.

However, the beige or whitish stones, which are harder and more dense, may either be semi-calcified stones, having a green center, are surrounded by a sort of crust that has a yellowish-white, or tan color to it. The semi-calcified stones may still float in the toilet because they have an inner core made of cholesterol, the same kind of stones that you find coming out of the liver. But when they are semi-calcified, they come from the gallbladder.

If you cut through a stone, you will see various sorts of layers and the surrounding harder crust. However, if there is no hard crust to it, they might be cholesterol crystals that are surrounding an inner core of green cholesterol stone. These cholesterol crystals tend to be a whitish or light beige color.

The size is irrelevant, in that respect. You can produce any kind of stone size; there are stones that can be golf ball sizes. Therefore, you cannot really differentiate between them. They can be calcified large stones and they can be non-calcified large stones. Either way, it is good to get them out of the gallbladder and the liver because they are highly obstructive. Additionally, they prevent the liver from detoxifying the blood and detoxifying the rest of the body. Furthermore, the blocked bile flow produces many digestive ailments, such as constipation, irritation, ulcerations, irritable bowel syndrome and stomach problems, which reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. There are so many different problems that arise from these kinds of stones, so it is good to get them out quickly in order that your liver can restore the rest of the functions in the body functions that have diminished due to the presence of these stones in the bile ducts and in the gallbladder.

This is an excerpt from Andreas Moritz‘s book with co-author John Hornecker, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush.

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