Each one of us has Something Absolutely Unique
So each one of us has something that is absolutely unique to us. And that something has to be discovered and sometimes it is not by trying to search for it outside yourself but by looking in yourself and seeing, what is exciting me? Is there something in my life that makes me really, really happy, something that I am very passionate about… that is your skill. And it may change in the future, but if you fear that and say this is my dream, this is what I would love to do, you may not have given yourself the permission or you were afraid to develop that skill in the past but this is the time to do so.
So when there is something that you are good at, then, the way how the collective consciousness is, there will be someone or lots of people around you who will benefit from your skill and it does not matter whatever it is, some people, they are so interested in farming and sharing their farm goods with others, other people are artists and they have something that makes them really joyful and they share that and other people will benefit, they will heal from it, others are good at mixing herbs and helping people to heal from an illness, then there are people who are enjoying building things for others so they are constructing homes or something, so there is something in everyone that is there, that is their joy that they… someone else would say “that is not of interest to me”, but the other one says “this is the most fascinating thing, I have always dreamed of being a fire fighter”, so, they enjoy their particular skills and they want to fulfill those dreams and if we dare take that step and say “yes, I am going to follow my passion”, in India would call it follow your dharma, it is your natural inclination, it is what you came here for to develop and, there will be people who will pay you for that, through whatever means, whether it is an exchange of goods or gold and silver, whatever, that you will be valued on… you will become an important factor in their lives, even if it is momentarily, you will benefit from it.
Everyone, if there are eight billion people on this planet, everyone would be part of that. If they follow their natural inclination, their natural gifts , their natural creativity they are born with, to develop something that is very unique, and if they dare, share that there would be people… there is a saying ‘the student is finding the teacher’, so if you have something to teach, the students will be there, they will come to you, and so, this is something that we all need to take at heart , it has to do with our spirituality honoring ourselves, appreciating and valuing ourselves and going by our passion, what excites us, this will take us out of the poverty or the restrictions and the limitations that we may have by giving in to our fears and saying, “oh! I need a job, I go to coca cola, I do not like what they are producing, but at least they give me a good pay”, this is a short term gain and a long term loss. Because you become dependent on someone else. You want to become independent, you want to have something that you create that other people also want. If you can create, someone is out there who will want it.
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