Avoid eating eggs – raw or cooked
Hi, this is a question from Demitar who is asking whether it is fine or good to drink organic eggs, it is better than cooked eggs? I have a little confusion about that, thank you for all that you teach through your books.
I can tell you that I do not agree with Dr. Mercola you probably referring to him, who is drinking raw eggs everyday. This is not something I can recommend. I have my own personal reasons not to do that, I do not like drinking embryos of other animals, that just does not resonate with me. But, physically there are things in eggs that are very nutritious, are wonderful things, obviously because chickens come out from an egg and so everything has to be there that creates a chicken. But, we are not chicken and we have different requirements, so, I have my reservations about eating other species’ eggs in order to nourish ourselves.
There is a chance of salmonella even in organic eggs that you may have to deal with if you eat them raw; if you eat them cooked then you have coagulation of proteins to deal with, that means, you damage or destroy the protein structures… instead of having three dimensional protein you have two dimensional fragments of proteins and these damaged proteins can enter the blood stream and can obviously cause havoc to the blood vessel walls because damaged protein can create inflammatory responses. So either way, I am not recommending taking eggs – either in the raw form or in cooked form. If you want to have proteins there is actually more protein, usable protein. in broccoli than is even in meat. Chia seeds is also filled with very natural, good, healthy proteins – that would be my recommendation if you are looking for sources of good protein. Again it is my personal choice, other people may want to drink raw eggs… it is not to my taste, I just would not even like the taste of raw eggs, if you like it, you go ahead and see, let me know how it goes in the long term, but it is not something I would recommend.
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