Ending the Olive Oil Soap Stone Myth

By: Andreas Moritz
Published: 2012
Book Excerpt: The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Over the past few years I have been repeatedly asked whether or not the stones passed during the liver flushes are just hardened lumps of olive oil that are somehow manufactured from the cleanse ingredients inside the intestines.

Certain well-known herbalists and doctors, as well as PR-organization arms of the pharma/medical industry, have undertaken great efforts to discredit the beneficial effects of the liver and gallbladder flush. They claim that these gallstones are actually soap stones produced in the intestines through saponification of the ingested olive oil.

Some of the most outspoken organizations going after proponents and associations of holistic medicine, such as homeopathic and chiropractic associations, are Quackwatch.com and its sister organization in Europe, EsoWatch.com. While these anti-natural medicine groups claim to be protectors of people against quacks and snake oil sellers, they fail to mention anywhere on their extensive web pages the nearly endless cases of medical fraud, medical errors, and often horrific and fatal side effects caused by reckless overuse and abuse of conventional medicine. All their warnings are solely directed against natural medicine, which truly shows where they are coming from.

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