Ener-Chi Wellness Shop

Best selling books by Andreas Moritz, Ener-Chi Art Pictures, and Wellness Products

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The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush



Paperback: on Amazon
eBook (PDF): $23.95
Kindle eBook: $9.99

Besides providing practical procedures for a liver cleanse, as well as steps to cleanse the gallbladder, kidneys and intestines, Moritz explains in great detail the origin of all types of common diseases and how to prevent or reverse them naturally.

Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation



Paperback: on Amazon
eBook (PDF): $30.75
Kindle eBook: $9.99

These Timeless Secrets free you from medicine’s most dangerous myths. It’s time to finally reclaim the youthfulness, vitality and abundant health you deserve.

Cancer is Not a Disease! – It’s a Survival Mechanism



Paperback: on Amazon
eBook (PDF): $25.25
Kindle eBook: $9.99

Discover cancer’s hidden purpose, heal its root causes, and be healthier than ever. Find out what actually causes cancer and why it is so important to heal the whole person, not just the symptoms of cancer.

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Alzheimer’s – No More!

Alzheimer's No More


Paperback: on Amazon
eBook (PDF): $20.95
Kindle eBook: $9.99

In this empowering book, Andreas offers hope to patients of Alzheimer’s disease and their families, and provides a roadmap for recovery.




Paperback: on Amazon
eBook (PDF): $21.95
Kindle eBook: $9.99

Andreas Moritz unravels the mother of all vaccine lies – that vaccines are safe and they prevent disease. Furthermore, he reveals undeniable scientific proof that vaccines are actually implicated in most diseases today.

Timeless Wisdom from Andreas Moritz

Timeless Wisdom from Andreas Moritz


Paperback: on Amazon
eBook (PDF): $16.45

A respectful compilation of quotes, carefully selected from Andreas’ comments and responses to questions posed on his forums or addressed to him one on one.

Art of Self-Healing

Art of Self Healing

Out of Stock/No Longer Available

Besides providing practical procedures for a liver cleanse, as well as steps to cleanse the gallbladder, kidneys and intestines, Moritz explains in great detail the origin of all types of common diseases and how to prevent or reverse them naturally.

Wellness Products

Organic Sulfur Crystals

Organic Sulfur Crystals

Out of Stock/No Longer Available

Our Organic Sulfur is made in the USA by a superior process that gives the purest, cleanest product available (99.9% Organic Sulfur – 0.1% Water).

As of January 24, 2023 Ener-Chi Wellness Center will no longer stock or sell this product.

Herbs for Andreas Moritz Kidney Cleanse Tea and Liver Cleanse Tea

Herbs for Andreas Moritz Kidney Cleanse Tea and Liver Cleanse Tea


Herbs to make the tea for either an effective kidney cleanse or a liver cleanse, as Andreas discusses in The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, are available from from Ener-Chi Wellness Center’s dedicated sources in the EU.

As of October 7, 2019 Present Moment
no longer sells Andreas’ teas.

Ener-Chi Ionized Stones

Ener-Chi Ionized Stones


€20.00 per stone + S&H

Ener-Chi Ionized Stones, similar to those pictured here, are available from our certified, respected European source. Each stone is capable of activating other stones simply by being in contact with them for less than a minute.

Ener-Chi Art Pictures



General Health

General Health

Brain & Nervous System

Brain & Nervous System