By Andreas Moritz 

Since the liver is unable to break down fluoride, it attempts to pass this poisonous chemical into the bile ducts (which are the only alternative way for the liver to deal with it). This leads to bile duct congestion and numerous other ailments. Fluoride is added to 60 percent of the drinking water in the United States and a number of other countries. Manufacturers add it to a wide range of products, including soy products, toothpaste, fluoride tablets, fluoride drops, fluoride chewing gum, tea, vaccines, household products, fluoridated salt or milk, anesthetics, mattresses emitting fluoride gases, Teflon, and antibiotics. It is also found in polluted air and polluted ground water. Because of its proven high toxicity, in August 2002 Belgium became the first country in the world to prohibit fluoride supplements.

“Fluoridation… is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has,” said Professor Albert Schatz, Ph.D. (Microbiology), discoverer of streptomycin and Nobel Prize winner. Fortunately, 98 percent of Western Europe has rejected water fluoridation. This includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. Exhaustive research has shown that tumors in laboratory animals were found to be the direct result of fluoride ingestion. Other animal studies found that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and interferes with its production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty, thyroid functions, and numerous other basic physiological processes. In humans, fluoride has been found to cause arthritis, osteoporosis, hip fractures, cancer, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain damage.

Until the 1950s, European doctors used fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). The daily dose of fluoride that people are now receiving in fluoridated communities far exceeds the dose of fluoride that was found to depress the thyroid gland. Because of fluoridation, millions of people are now suffering from hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid). This condition is currently one of the more common medical problems in the United States. Today, over 150 symptoms can be identified in hypothyroidism. Almost all correlate with known symptoms of fluoride poisoning.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism include depression, dizziness, fatigue, weight gain, muscle and joint pain, hair loss, headache, migraine, shortness of breath, GI problems, menstrual problems, unbalanced blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, allergies, insomnia, panic attacks and moodiness, irregular heartbeat, and congestive heart failure. A large number of children and adults in India and other developing countries are crippled and their teeth are destroyed because of fluoride poisoning from industry pollution.

To help the body deal with fluoride-caused illnesses, including hypothyroidism, it is important to clean out the liver bile ducts, avoid fluoride-containing products, and use a water filtering system that removes fluoride. Distillation and reverse osmosis (RO) are effective in removing the fluoride (along with contaminants). For more ideal filtering devices, you may need to contact your local dealer for water filters.

The mineral boron removes fluoride from the body. The most absorbable form of boron is ionic boron. A decongesting diet according to body type, regular sleeping and eating habits, and stress-free living conditions are essential for recovery.

This is an excerpt from my book THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH

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