Food, Diet & Cooking – Q&A

Questions on food and cooking as answered by Andreas Moritz

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Binge eating, food addiction

Binge eating, chewing food without swallowing

Q. I am sure my liver is maximum size and filled with intra-hepatic stones, due to my binge eating problem. After my last few liver cleansings, my physical situation has gotten worse and worse. Eating even very small amounts causes more and more problems and it feels to me that everything I eat is overloading my liver right now. I know I still have emotional problems and am working on them the best I can. What I do right now is “eat” all kinds of food I like (no animal foods), but I am not swallowing it. I chew on it and spit it out directly. Could you tell me if this can harm my body? When I am chewing on food, does my body produce cholesterol/liver stones then? I am very worried about my physical situation.

A. Yes, chewing food without swallowing it can cause major digestive problems and constipation. When food enters the mouth, the stomach secretes gastric juices and the gallbladder secrets bile and the pancreas prepares digestive enzymes, all to receive the incoming foods. If the food is, however, not coming through because you spit it out, these unused digestive juices may start irritating, inflaming and even “digesting” the intestines. Eventually, though, the body recognizes that and stops secreting digestive fluids even if you do swallow the food. The food then remains undigested and becomes constipating, and this makes you weak and frail.

It is therefore better if you swallow food than spit it out. It is best to eat the main meal at lunch (two cupped handfuls) and the lighter meal in the evening, like a veggie soup with some bread and butter. Make sure to eat butter or ghee in your vegetables, rice, bread, etc, otherwise they won’t get digested and will constipate you.

Also, you may contact someone at (go to Contacts) and request a phone healing session with Hector or Justice. They can help restore you to a time before all this happened. Also, you may watch some of these videos on EFT at

Eggs, gallstones

Do eggs trigger gallstone attacks?

Q. Your book says that eggs create gallstones in the bile ducts, and are also a major trigger of gallstone attacks. So people shouldn’t eat any eggs or limit them to maybe once a week?

A. I don’t recommend eating eggs at all. They are embryos that make chickens, with different incompatible DNA to that of humans. Additionally, their protein coagulates (hardens) when heated, which destroys the 3-D structure of the proteins and thus prevents them from being digested. However, they can nevertheless be absorbed into the blood, which thickens it and deposits these degenerate, damaged proteins in the basal membranes of the blood vessel walls. This process is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other illnesses. You will find more information on all these questions and topics in the large book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.

Fruit, starchy veggies, cancer

certain foods and cancer

Q. I have ovarian cancer. I am Pitta body type. How do you feel about consuming fruit, corn and potatoes (starchy veggies), are they allowed in moderation? Also, I have been enjoying yogurt with some granola for breakfast, should I continue?

A. Fruits are fine as long as you eat them separately from other foods, such as mid morning or mid afternoon, or at least 1/2 hour before meals. Fruit passes through the stomach within 30 minutes without requiring any stomach secretions. When you eat them with other foods that require stomach secretions like oatmeal or nuts, you force the fruits to remain in the stomach for 2-3 hours, which causes them to ferment. In addition, fruit sugar requires salivary enzymes to digest it. So masticating the fruits and saturating them with saliva is essential for their digestion.

Most people swallow very juicy fruits like grapes almost right away without doing that; as a result, these fruit sugars become subject to fermentation in the small intestines, which increase yeast growth, or they pass directly into the blood which raises blood sugar and feeds cancer cells. Sweet apples are a good choice for you (being a Pitta type), or other sweet fruits that are not sour like oranges or grapefruits. As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Two apples a day may not be better than one. The emphasis is on moderation.

There is no harm in eating corn and potatoes on occasion, just not too often. They act like fruit sugar if not masticated properly.

If you buy granola from the store, beware of the sugar they put in it, and the oil they use to make it crunchy (trans fatty acids have carcinogenic effects). Making your oatmeal fresh is a better choice. You may add rice milk, almond milk or hemp milk, unsalted butter, some nuts, stevia or Xylitol sugar or some raw honey.

Milk from grains and nuts

Alternatives to cow’s milk

Q. Since all animal milks are bad for us, are any of the grain and nut milks acceptable?

A. Alternatives such as rice milk (which I have used for 10 years), almond milk, oat milk, hemp milk, etc. are fine.

Milk, cow’s milk, soy milk

Milk from various animals and plants

Q. You said that cow’s milk is bad. What about sheep, goat, soy, or any other milk?

A. You can read up on all that in Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation. Unfermented soy is the most harmful. It causes tumors, particularly in the breast, because it mimics estrogen. Properly fermented soy (4-6 years) is fine. Milk from other species always creates an immune response in humans as the body tries to reject their DNA. Cow’s milk is made to raise cows, goat’s milk to raise goats, and human milk to raise humans, all for a specific time period only. After that, the body no longer produces digestive enzymes to digest it. That’s why a grown cow will get sick drinking cow’s milk. Now it is known that cow’s milk causes diabetes in humans.

Soy, soy milk, goat’s milk, tofu

Soy milk and goat’s milk

Q. How do you feel about soy milk or goat’s milk?

A. Soy contains several enzyme inhibitors (also called anti nutrients) that prevent protein digestion in the body. It also contains mineral inhibitors that pull minerals out of the body. That’s why babies fed on soy formula are so malnourished and may even die because of it. Soy also mimics estrogens (contains Phytoestrogens) and greatly increases breast cancer and ovarian cancer risk. Soy milk and tofu should not be consumed. Soy becomes useful only when it is properly fermented, like the Japanese do it. They ferment their soy for 4-5 years before consuming it. It takes this long to destroy the inhibitor chemicals.

Contrary to public opinion, Asians eat very small amounts of fermented soy, 1-2 teaspoons per meal, as a condiment and not as a main meal item. Soy milk and tofu were introduced to our hemisphere because the soy oil industry was overburdened with the massive waste products. They fed some of this waste to animals and thought they could also sell it as food to humans. At first, nobody was interested in eating soy because it had a ‘nothing’ taste. A massive marketing campaign declared this waste product to be an ideal health food. The food industry flavored it and mixed it in with all sorts of foods, now in several thousand products. It’s a clever form of waste management. Their main target was the vegetarian population, who gobbled it up because they were told soy is the best meat substitute. The sudden demand for soy products became permanent and ever-increasing. The sickness all this caused greatly benefited the medical industry. In addition, now over 80% of all soy is genetically modified through use of chicken-cancer viruses and other deadly viruses (used to transport the new genes into the nucleus of soy plant cells). The body’s genes become greatly confused when confronted with foods that don’t carry the original genes.

Goat’s milk is closer to human milk than cow’s milk. But give goat’s milk to a grown goat, and it will get sick. Or give human milk to an adult, and he will get sick, too. Because once weaned off, neither have milk-specific enzymes left to digest these foods (used solely for the purpose of raising newborns). That’s why milk is now a leading cause of diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease – all being triggered by immune reactions to the degenerated (damaged), undigested proteins from animal sources. No other animal except man goes around and looks for other animals and tries to get their milk.

Nightshade vegetables

Are nighshades harmful for the thyroid gland?

Q. My colonic therapist recommends that I avoid ‘nightshades’ e.g. tomatoes, potatoes, and aubergines (eggplants). She says they are toxic and could affect my thyroid gland. I would really appreciate your opinion on this as well any foods that could be beneficial for an under-active thyroid gland.

A. Yes, nightshades can cause strong reactions. I tend to avoid aubergines and tomatoes in particular. Occasionally I eat a baked potato. The potato used to be very toxic before it was cultivated, but is less so now. Tomatoes and aubergines have not lost their toxic effects much since being cultivated.

Foods to eat less since they may interfere with iodine uptake are: cabbage, kale, broccoli, kohlrabi, mustard, lima beans, linseed, and sweet potato, so keep these to a minimum, especially if iodine deficient. Also, avoid peanuts and soy products! Avoid caffeine drinks like coffee, cola; avoid stimulants like smoking and alcohol as these all affect the thyroid function.

Foods that are helpful for the thyroid function are: carrots, spinach, apricots, asparagus, olive oil, avocado, kelp, sunflower seeds, whole grain cereals, and bananas.

Stress is thought to be a major contributing factor to the development of hypothyroidism. One of the best ways to reduce stress is to exercise regularly. Detoxified iodine as in atomidine or magnascent iodine is useful to restore iodine levels.

Probiotics, appendix

Probiotic supplements

Q. Is there a place in one of your books (other than The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush) where you discuss in detail not supplementing with probiotics, but rather letting the body replenish itself? Does it have anything to do with the information about the appendix being a safehouse for good bacteria? We rely pretty heavily on probiotic supplements to help with digestion, regularity, and immune function, but if there is a deeper issue, then I want to address it. We start our first liver flush next week!

A. My book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation goes into great depth with regard to digestive health, the role of the appendix, digestive disorders, etc. Basically, the body’s own internal ecology is self-regulated, provided the preconditions that support proper digestion are in place:

  • sleeping enough hours, especially the four hours when the liver makes the most bile and enzymes (10 p.m. – 2 a.m.)
  • eating the main meal at noon time
  • masticating food properly to provide the necessary enzymes for the digestion of carbohydrates
  • drinking enough water to produce enough digestive juices
  • having the liver bile ducts and gallbladder clean enough to make adequate bile available, etc.

The last one is especially important since bile activates digestive enzymes from the pancreas, keeps the pH normal in the intestines (required for balanced bacteria population), stimulates peristalsis, aids in the absorption of nutrients, digests the fat that in turn is required to digest carbohydrates and proteins, among other factors.

Protein from beans, legumes, tofu

Beans/ legumes/ tofu as protein sources

Q. Should I be looking to consume beans/legumes/tofu every day to fulfill the traditionally advised protein requirement? I know you suggest avoiding soy which would rule out tofu, although you mention in your book that some Japanese tofu is OK. Which specific kind though? Or should I simply not worry about “how much” protein I am taking in on a daily basis? I like beans, but usually they cause some gas and bloating.

A. Tofu and beans can be constipating and gas-forming, especially for Vata body types. Non-fermented commercial tofu is not suitable for human consumption, but properly fermented soy/tofu is OK. It takes 4-5 years of fermenting soy, as is done in many parts of Japan, to make it into useful forms such as tempeh.

No need to monitor protein intake. The body doesn’t depend on eating protein in order to make protein. I have zero protein deficiency, very strong energetic muscles, and no fat in my body, despite eating a no protein diet for 35 years. I eat about 10 nuts and maybe 20 pumpkin seeds and a 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 avocado a day, if you want to consider that to be some form of protein. The myth that humans need to eat their daily protein is so strong and widespread that people don’t even dare to live without it. Now it’s changing a bit since some of the top athletes are pure vegetarian/vegan. But the masses just don’t know. We should send them on safari to Africa to see how these strong animals survive without it!

Protein, muscle mass

Muscle building on a vegan diet

Q. I’ve done lots of sports as an adult and one of my favorite is bodybuilding in a natural way. I’ve always tried to gain muscle mass by eating lots of bread, meat, cheese, ham, and/or egg whites every 2 hours. However, for about the past 5 months, I’m having a light pain in my abdomen right under my last ribs. It is not attacks, just an irritating feeling. I found your book and will do the liver flushes but I have a question. After I do the cleansing, how can I gain muscle again when I can’t eat any red meat, egg whites, and milk?

A. Protein is not a food the body needs to eat in order to make muscle; just think of the strongest muscular animals like gorillas, elephants, wild horses or cows that don’t need protein foods to do the same. You can read more about this subject in the book, Timeless Secrets to Health and Rejuvenation.

Protein powder, shake

Extra protein for someone working out

Q. As I am working out and lifting weights, I feel I need some extra protein, especially if I am vegan. Is protein powder acceptable? Does it have to be soy protein?

A. I have taken dozens of women off these protein powders after they developed all sorts of tumors. By taking them off the powders, the tumors disappeared. The body has great difficulties dealing with such concentrated proteins. Why else would nature put only 1.4 % protein in human breast milk, at a time when the baby triples its size?

Gorillas, elephants, wild horses, bulls, etc. don’t eat protein foods and have the strongest muscles around. I have very strong muscles and have not eaten protein foods for 35 years, except perhaps a few nuts and seeds every few days. The body makes its own amino acids and synthesizes them into proteins from the 4 molecules that make them up, that is, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. With every breath, we take these molecules out of the air (that’s what composes air) and turn them into amino acids, right from day one. That’s why even babies don’t need protein from breast milk, except the tiny amount of 1.4%. This is how these strong animals and plants like bean plants, almond trees and avocado trees make their proteins, from “thin” air. You can find more details in the book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.

Proteins, vegetarian/vegan diet

Does a vegetarian/vegan diet lack protein?

Q. I have read that vegetarians suffer a lack of protein so I’m reluctant to eat that diet. Are you suggesting phytoplankton as a sufficient source of protein in the diet?

A. I have personally not eaten any protein foods for 35 years now, except some nuts and seeds, and sometimes legumes. I have no protein deficiency whatsoever, and have very strong muscles and a body 20 years younger than my age (58). In the book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, it explains why breast milk is virtually devoid of protein (1.4%) and how gorillas, wild horses, elephants, cows and humans make their own proteins from the four molecules that make up all amino acids on the planet: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. Humans can do that too.

Phytoplankton is useful for rebuilding bodies but it is expensive. It contains all the nutrients that exist on the planet, and they don’t require digestion through the digestive system so the nutrients go right into the blood and cells.

Protein, vegan diet

How much protein do we need?

Q. I’ve been a vegetarian for 30 years now, but 3 years ago I decided to become a vegan. I really believe in my choice and I’m feeling much better because of it, but I can’t solve the question about how much protein I should eat every day. My daily source of protein is 50 to 70 grams of mixed nuts, but your book made me wonder about this. Please give me your advice about my best daily source of protein.

A. I have discussed this subject in great detail in my largest book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, but in a nutshell, the human body doesn’t need to eat protein foods in order to make proteins. Right from the beginning when a baby is being breastfed, it makes proteins from the four molecules – carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen contained in the air – just like plants and such animals as elephants, wild horses, gorillas and cows do. These four molecules make up all amino acids on the planet. Breast milk only contains 1.4% protein, just like most vegetables, which shows that the massive growth of the baby in the first 16 months of life cannot result from eating this tiny amount of protein in the milk, but must come from these air molecules.

All vegetables and grains are made from carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen of the air, and when nitrogen is added to the mix, these carbohydrates become proteins. In other words, food grows out of thin air, along with some minerals from the soil. With the exception of butter, I have eaten vegan for 35 years, with the maximum of perhaps 10‐12 almonds or other nuts a day and perhaps a tablespoon of pumpkins seeds. The ʺyou must eat your proteinʺ advice is more based on myth than on truth.

Raw foods, juicing

Raw and cooked foods eaten together

Q. I read this article where the author says it’s good to eat cooked and raw foods together, which is different from what you were suggesting as optimal. The raw foods supposedly neutralized the detrimental effects of the altered food. I’ve had problems with the idea of going 100% raw, in that God made grains too. Where would they fit in, aside from sprouting? Would juicing be one answer to the cell wall dilemma? It’s time-consuming and not that handy for most folks, including me.

A. Dead, overcooked, and over-processed food cannot be used by the body. I don’t see how raw foods can bring them back to life and prevent them from being decomposed by bacteria in the small and large intestine. However, it is true that the presence of unaltered foods may reduce the immune response to rid the body of the dead altered foods which, in my opinion, is a disadvantage. It will allow them to get accumulated rather than being eliminated. Eating raw and cooked together instead of one after the other can therefore be very confusing to the body. I therefore don’t agree with the point that raw foods can neutralize the detrimental effects of altered food. Quite the opposite, it encourages fermentation.

Whereas juicing can remove much of the cellulose, it also removes the chemical agents responsible for keeping the antibodies in the cells as minimally toxic as possible. Juices therefore have powerful cleansing properties as the immune system tries to get rid of them, along with other waste products. Eventually, though, this can weaken the immune system and backfire.

Super foods

Super foods and super mushrooms

Q. What do you think of super foods in general? And this one in particular – Waiora’s “H1X1 AgaricusBlazei Hybrid – the most powerful super-mushroom of all”?

A. Most foods are “super foods” in their own right. None is better than another, all serve a particular purpose. Some foods may serve a lot of different purposes. I believe marine phytoplankton to be one of the most complete foods on the planet. Chia seeds may also count as a very rich food. Waiora’s “H1X1 AgaricusBlazei Hybrid” has certainly incredible healing benefits. Many Japanese women with terminal breast cancers were cured by taking AgaricusBlazei.


Acceptable sweeteners

Q. Is it OK to have honey on my porridge or in my green tea, etc? Are maple syrup, agave syrup, fructose and stevia OK?

A. All of these are OK except fruit sugar (fructose), unless it’s in fruit form. Xylitol is OK, too.

Water, heating, boiling, ionizing

Is water altered by heating?

Q. I read an article and have some questions. The author refers to friendly foods, including water, being altered by heating, causing a rise in the white blood count. This concerns me greatly, if valid, because I drink several cups of herbal tea/day. I either boil the water in a kettle or, if at work, I use a coffee maker, but just use it to heat the water.

A. I am not convinced that heating water can lead to a defensive immune response, rather quite the opposite. Nature heats water all the time when the hot sun turns liquid water into water vapor and moisture, breaking up molecular bonds into oxygen and hydrogen. At no stage does water become damaged when such steam is generated. Water has no cells, cell membranes or enzymes that could be destroyed. In fact, water is quite indestructible, even though it can be deprived of the Chi or life force it collects during rainfall when distilled with water distillers. However, when broken down into its molecular components, oxygen and hydrogen, molecules regenerate themselves.

Ayurveda described the benefits of hot water 10,000 years ago. Boiling it for 15-20 minutes would often heal severe illness. I have described this method in detail in Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation. Most traditions have used hot water to ward off illnesses in their children. My grandmother always had a pot of water boiling on the stove all day, which ionized the water. She gave it to her children whenever they were ill or had a cold, and that took care of it. The old folks used to know what worked and what didn’t. They had to, because doctors were uncommon. Besides, heating water disinfected it, and thus warded off pathogens. If such practices hadn’t been in place, the world’s population would be very small today.

Waterless cookware

Waterless cookware purchase link

Q. I read that waterless cookware is useful. Where can I find it?

A. This is the link to the waterless cookware:

There is similar waterless cookware on or other web sites.


commercial yogurt

Q. What is your opinion on yogurt? Is it beneficial to the body?

A. Commercial yogurt is pasteurized, which means all the beneficial bacteria are killed off; hence you ingest billions of corpses of dead bacteria with each ounce of yoghurt. It leaves you with a white coating on the tongue the following day (consisting of regurgitated dead bacteria).

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