Frequency of doing the Liver Flush
This is a very common question with regards to the frequency of doing the amazing liver and gall bladder flush. And this person has CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome, and is wondering if there is any advice because she wants to clear out the stones from the liver and gallbladder as quickly as she can and she is wondering why she cannot cleanse more often than every three weeks?
I do recommend that people are patient with this regard because sometimes doing things too quickly, that is not really benefiting you any more than doing it in a gradual slow motion process, and so in this regard I do recommend not to cleanse more often than every three to four weeks, two weeks is still okay, but it can be pretty stressful to the liver to undergo this process too close to one another, so I would recommend to phase it out to every three to four weeks and if that is stressful, you can take six weeks, do it every six weeks, so that you don’t feel stressed because of that, because after all doing liver and gall bladder flush is like surgery.
You are removing something that has been sitting there for a long time, the liver must recover from that in terms of correcting the structure, it’s own structure, because when you have a large number of stones sitting in the bile ducts of the liver it puts a lot of pressure on the surrounding tissue, the liver units which are called lobules and so these units, they get displaced, many liver cells get damaged or weak and when you have done a liver flush, the body, the liver will particularly, attend to repair these damages and that takes a while and it can take up to two or three weeks so I would not interfere with that by doing the same thing again, let the liver finish its repair work so that you are then ready for another big release of stones that the liver can then deal with afterwards.
Also, once you have released stones from the liver it takes a while for the stones in the rear ends of the bile ducts that means, the ones that are furthest away from the exiting bile ducts in the liver and these stones need some time to travel forward and to actually reach the exiting bile ducts of the liver. So, to allow the maximum number of stones to do that, by about two three weeks you have gathered sufficient number of stones in the exiting bile ducts to take them out with a new liver flush and that makes it much more effective and more efficient as well that you taken out the maximum amount of stones and not less than that.
So, I hope this will give you sufficient explanation. There are many other things you can do if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I have explained some of these in my book “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” where you can support the body by eating a balanced diet or meals that are lower in animal proteins or completely void of animal protein foods and very low in sugar as well because sugar can aggravate CFS.
So, I would recommend that you do those besides doing liver flushes.
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