Healing bladder cancer naturally without BCG treatments
Hi, this is a question from Jane Broun Vanderburgh and she has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. She had three tumors, received her treatment, and two tumors disappeared, one remained. Then three months later it was discovered she had eight new pinhead-sized tumors and the urologist burned these out and is now recommending BCG treatment which consists of inserting or injecting an active TB bacteria into the bladder to help remove the cancer.
Now I have addresses this in a previous video so I am not going to repeat that. But, I want to point out that by, though suppression or destruction of existing tumors, you stand the risk of recurrence because the original cause of the cancer has not been addresses as yet. And whenever there is bladder cancer, you have to trace it back to the kidneys because when the kidneys are congested and they are having stones or crystals formed there then, these crystals passing into the bladder and embed themselves in the bladder wall, this can create chronic inflammation which then can lead to tumor growth as a protection, as a… like a protective way of protecting the wall of the bladder so that it would not perforate. One always has to trace back any cancer to the root causes and not just doctor around the symptom which the tumor is, but healing the underlining root cause before you do anything with the symptom.
Kidney congestion can easily arise due to digestive trouble, when the food is not digested properly, a lot of toxins that decomposing bacteria produce, they end up in the blood and they can circulate into the kidneys. Also diet that is high in sugar like fructose, as in too many fruits, or, in refined sugar products, can lead to high uric acid in the blood which can like form crystals or stones in the kidneys and as these crystals or stones break free, running down into the bladder, they can cause this chronic inflammatory response leading up to tumor growth.
So I suggest you read the book “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION“, address any of the underlining conditions that applied to you, also if you are interested in my book “CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE, IT IS A SURVIVAL MECHANISM” you will get a more in-depth understanding of what cancer really is and why it should not be killed, destroyed or attacked with weapons of mass destruction, even if they are sort of more natural or close to natural forms of weaponry. I always encourage people to work with the body instead of against the body because, the moment you think you have an enemy in the body, or the body is the enemy, then healing becomes hampered, it does not take place, it is very hard for the body to heal something when you try to attack it at the same time.
So having said that, I encourage you to consider looking or identifying the root causes which is easily done when you read these books, then you have a better picture of what is happening and a better understanding of what you need to do in order to deal with it because, having recurrent cancers is not a matter of killing whatever you have, as you have already noticed, you can develop new tumors in no time when there is an underlying reason for that.
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