Healing Chronic Dermatological Condition Around the Eyes

Hi, this is with regards to a person seeking healing information for chronic dermatological condition around her eyes and when I looked at the picture I clearly saw that the there is major congestion in the eyes, very puffy eyes, the eyelids are very puffed up and it clearly shows that there is a lymph drainage issue where lymph that contain metabolic waste products and dead cell material is not readily removed from the eyes and this has really nothing to do with the eyes themselves, eyes have no capability of creating swollenness around the eyes, there is just no treatment to improve that except by going to the root causes.

And when lymph drainage issues occur where water and toxins and waste products are retained around the eyes that shows that the kidneys are not capable in removing all the fluids from the system and the lymphatic system itself is congested and the congestion in the lymphatic system always finds its source, its main area of congestion in the belly button area and that is the abdominal area where the central part of the lymph system exists.

It is called cisterna chyli vessel system and it is connected to all the lymph vessels that come from the legs, that come from the abdominal region, from the organs like kidneys and the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, the liver, the spleen, so all those organs drain their own metabolic waste products into this giant pool so to say of lymph where these waste products that are passed into these areas are supposed to be detoxified and once the lymph has been detoxified and waste matter has been broken down or removed then the lymph can move into the blood stream near the heart and the problem is that the main center part, the cisterna chyli vessel, being congested will also lead to accumulation of waste products in other areas that are distant from this cisterna chyli vessel. There is particularly one duct, it is called the thoracic duct, and that duct moves from the belly button area all the way up to the throat area and the thoracic duct is responsible from draining out the parts of the facial area and eyes and if the thoracic duct is clogged out because of the abdominal lymph is congested then the lymph drainage from the eyes is not adequate and the eyes start to swell out.

So instead of targeting the symptoms thinking there is something wrong with the eyes one should put the attention on the lymph congestion, why does the lymph , the lymphatic system get clogged up and the answer to that is because we are not digesting food properly when food is remaining undigested or improperly digested it is being decomposed, it is fermented or putrefied that means the bacteria that decompose the foods produce poisons , toxins, and these toxins are absorbed into the lymphatic system around the belly button area so this necessitates an accumulation of fluid, lymph fluid, water, mostly water, in order to keep some of these toxins neutral and in this way the body at least it is protected of these toxins moving freely into the blood stream which can cause serious consequences such as blood poisoning and the body is very protective of the blood so wants to make sure that there is as much neutralization through water retention as possible in order to keep the bodies tissue from being damaged. So these swollen eyelids and puffy eyes is actually a protective mechanism that temporarily helps the eyes, it protects the eyes in this instance,  and should not be misconstrued as being an illness and it should not be targeted through methods that are not really dealing with the root cause of the problem and the digestion itself is a very much controlled by the liver so it takes us back to how much bile the liver is capable of producing or not producing, if the person makes very little bile, food is not digested properly and you have intestinal congestion that leads to lymphatic congestion which in turn can create these localized disturbances in different parts of the body such as the eyes.

So, liver flushes are very useful in this respect plus changing the diet stop eating lymph congesting foods such as cheese, milk, sugar and animal proteins like meat, chicken,   fish, eggs and so on, so, by not having those foods a lot of the lymph congestion disappears very quickly and this should be seen in a diminishment of the congestion around the eyes.

I hope this helps and I wish you a great day.

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