Interview:   Andreas Moritz and Raena Morgan  (2011)

Andreas Moritz: They will have to look at the risk factors for any kind of illness.

Raena Morgan: Okay.

AM: Because if you have heart disease, that means you have many other health problems leading up to that, and usually look at the tummy. If you have a swollen tummy, that means if it’s expanded, it’s enlarged, it’s protruded, you are suffering from lymph congestion which causes lymph blockage in the thoracic duct that drains its contents into the right side of the heart. So if you have that situation, you are not even eliminating the metabolic waste products that the heart cells produce to live and function properly, so you are suffocating the heart. And first before a heart attack can occur, you have a lot of suffocation of cells in the heart before the acidosis can take over and really create an infiltration. So it’s really a progressive illness-

RM: All right.

AM: -that takes many, many years to develop unless it is shock,-

RM: Okay.

AM: -like sudden bad news that you just drop dead, which can just paralyze the heart, you know, like any other organ.

Raena Morgan: In your book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush you talk about how to perform it. What are some of the ingredients that you need?

Andreas Moritz: The main ingredients are olive oil, because we need to stimulate the gallbladder, to release a large amount of bile to allow the bile from the liver and the gallbladder to come out, and to release the stones that they can deliver, they can basically removed.

RM: Olive oil will do that?

AM: Olive oil does that. Other oils can do that as well, but olive oil seems to be the most potent in that respect. And so when people do the liver flush, they take half a cup of olive oil on an empty stomach, so they haven’t eaten for six, eight hours or so. So they will mix it with some citrus juice, like lemon juice or orange juice or grapefruit juice, about the same amount, so basically a cup or a little bit more than that. You shake it and you drink that at around ten o’clock in the evening when the liver is starting to work. And preceding that, you take like two doses of Epsom salts at six o’clock in the evening and at eight o’clock, because you want to make sure that the bile ducts are relaxed; and magnesium sulfate, which Epsom salt is, relaxes the bile ducts,-

RM: Oh, it does? Okay.

AM: -so that any stones that go through, they just travel through, you won’t even notice.

RM: It doesn’t hurt.

AM: You don’t hurt. You never hurt when you do a liver flush. You can hurt when you have a gallstone attack.

RM: Ah, yes.

AM: But the gallstone attack is caused by, let’s say, you go out and eat a heavy meal at night that has a lot of fats in it, that’s how a lot of people develop gallstone attacks, or they eat eggs, which is a leading cause of gallstone attacks. And then the gallbladder is shooting out bile and with it some stones, but it’s not enough bile to allow the stone to travel trough. Bile is very oily, so it’s slippery,-

RM: Okay.

AM: -it’s like when you cannot get the ring on your finger off, you put some oil in it, it comes right off. So like that, you have- with the liver flush, you produce a large amount of bile,-

RM: Okay.

AM: -unlike any other meal you would ever have, half a cup of olive oil is. And so the way you prepare anyway, the liver flush is a six day period where you soften up the stones by drinking apple juice or malic acid solution, you eat normally but you would basically just drink a liter, thirty-two ounces of that a day for six days, and then you do the actual liver flush. You lie down after you have ingested the oil, make sure, and then you release the stones, you won’t notice that. In the morning you go to the toilet and you have a series of bowel movements. You take another Epsom salt at six and another at eight to help clear that out. And then you will see the stones floating in the toilet, most of them floating in the toilet, only calcified stones, they sink to the bottom of the toilet because they’re heavy. The non-calcified, multi-cholesterol, they’re ninety percent cholesterol so they float, and that’s why you can easily see and count them.

RM: Wow.

AM: So if you look at- if you have like eight bowel movements and you have seen about fifty stones each, you released about four-hundred stones. And you can collect them if you want. They will disintegrate after a while, because like cholesterol it’s an organic compound; it will start disintegrating, bacteria will start eating it up. In the freezer, they last forever.

RM: Oh, great!

AM: A lot of people do that, that’s why I’m mentioning that.

RM: Okay. Thank you, Andreas.

AM: You’re welcome.

Raena Morgan: Most of us would not think that we’re dehydrated, but you say it’s quite common, and you refer to something as a body drought. Could you explain that?

Andreas Moritz: Yes. Basically when there is a different between the normal amount of water inside a cell and the normal amount of water outside the cell. And there’s often a deficit inside the cell, and that deficit is basically body drought. So you become dehydrated without realizing. You may have normal amounts of fluid in your body, you may even think “Oh, I have too much fluid in my body,”-

RM: Right.

AM: -like the legs are swelling, too much lymph fluid. So having that- it shows that there’s actually dehydration going on; you’re dehydrated and you put on water. Why do you hold on to water? Because the body is afraid that there’s not enough.

RM: Okay.

AM: Just like when the body is trying to save food; you’re trying to hold on because there’s a shortage of it. So it’s like the body is trying to save and slow the metabolism because burning too much food too fast, because there’s not enough coming in, it would-

RM: Like slowing your metabolism?

AM: Yes. So the dehydration can be caused by a lot of things; not drinking enough water, for example. How many people drink water now days?

RM: Good question.

AM: You see a lot of people drinking all kinds of things, like coffee, tea, sodas.

RM: Right.

AM: All of them are dehydrators.

RM: Sports drinks.

AM: Sports drinks. Anything that has sugar in it will dehydrate because it is a contaminate. The body’s trying to defend itself, it’s an acid. The body will defend itself- caffeine, for example, is a nerve toxin. So nerve toxins require water to transport it out of the system, so for every cup of coffee your body will have to give up about three cups of water. Where is the water coming from?

RM: The cells?

AM: From the cells. So then you’re putting all that water into the blood so it can take out the caffeine, and then the cells become dehydrated,-

RM: Okay.

AM: -you don’t realize that, then you drink more coffee because you are thirsty, or drink another coke or something that has caffeine, or a sports drink or the new drinks that have four times more caffeine that even coke has in it, and then people get stimulated. Whatever stimulates you dehydrates you.

RM: And so we’re dehydrated on a cellular level is what you’re saying?

AM: Yes. That is the most important one because the extra cellular fluid is very important; the others only dehydrate when you’re in the desert for a couple of days and you become like a prune or you dry out like a prune. But the dehydration that we’re talking about is cellular, and that is the most important to remedy.

RM: That’s the distinction.

AM: Yes. And look at the elderly population. They often forget to drink because the thirst signal is no longer reaching the brain.

RM: Okay.

AM: The brain needs to be informed by enzymes that the cells send along into the bloodstream, in the brain, and say hey, we need water. But they’re no longer getting that because they’re already so dehydrated that the signal doesn’t even make it there.

RM: Okay.

AM: And so it is very, very crucial. And then taking drugs, taking medical drugs always dehydrate, so whenever you take any antibiotics or anything you will develop dehydration. Anything that is harmful in the body, the body uses up a lot of water to get rid of it.

RM: To flush it out.

AM: Yes. Now meat, fish, chicken, any animal proteins use up most of the body’s reserves of water. So it’s just like when you manufacture, when you make meat, when you produce meat, the amount of water that is used to raise one cow is absolutely astronomical. Similarly, to process the meat inside the body is astronomical. So much water is used up simply to get rid of the undigested.

RM: Really?

AM: Yeah. And there’s no fiber in it, in meat.

RM: Right.

AM: It always causes congestion, so it’s not- you’re conducive to bowel movement. Once your have the constipation or incomplete bowel movement, you already become dehydrated because you have waste products moving up, they block the absorption of water from the large intestine, which is supposed to go through the kidneys. So you are no longer delivering the water that even if you drink water then it’s not actually making it to the cells. So people are becoming dehydrated even if they drink enough water when they eat certain kinds of foods that are congesting them.

RM: Okay. So it’s congestion.

AM: And then typically after a while, that water that they extra drink will be accumulating in their ankles, in their feet, in their face, under the chin, in the eyes, swollen eye backs, and then cysts in the ovaries and other places, water cysts are very common. So you body will hold on to as much fluid as it can. The kidneys will try to eliminate less water so there’s safe water.

RM: So body drought is a major cause of disease.

AM: It is a major cause. Blood pressure can- many forms of blood pressure can be remedied by drinking enough water.

RM: And you say (in your book) that starting to heal, the process, the first most important thing you can do is to hydrate yourself.

AM: Yes. Without it, you don’t have enough digestive secretions. You have one and a half quarts of bile, which is mostly water, right?

RM: Right.

AM: Gastrointestinal juices, stomach acid, all those secretions are water, ninety percent of water. Your eyes are made of water, ninety-nine percent is water. You think it is solid, you can touch it but it’s basically solid water.

RM: Solid. Okay.

AM: It’s emulsified. So you have- and then the body, seventy percent of the body is water. Now you take twenty percent out of that equation, the body is dumping or reducing many of its normal functions that it needs to be healthy. So you can expect that the blood pressure will have to go up. The walls have to become tighter in order to move the same amount of nutrients with the same force through the system, because now you have less water in the blood.

RM: Okay.

AM: So you need more greater pressure in order to push it through. So if you drink more water, the blood pressure can relax.

RM: That’s really crucial.

AM: It’s so simple. People think “I need to have a drug to thin my blood.” Why not use water to thin your blood? It’s a blood thinner.

RM: Wow!

AM: So they take diuretics to get rid of the excess fluid. Now when you do that, your body is even running out of more, so you have less congestion and you’re feeling better, but if you don’t change the root cause of the problem you are causing severe damage to the heart; that’s why blood thinners are a leading cause of heart disease. They think they prevent it; it’s the opposite. There’s a new study to show that if you lower blood pressure artificially with drugs, you increase your risk of heart attacks.

RM: But if you drink enough water you can avert some of that?

AM: Absolutely. And the kidneys are very much involved with blood pressure, so if the kidneys are relaxed and they do their job and they don’t have to become tight and their blood vessel walls are thin, then they are doing their normal job in keeping the fluid balance in tact in the body because they are responsible for making sure you don’t have too much fluid and too little fluid. And if they become dehydrated themselves the urine becomes more concentrated and more yellow. So you can see why the color of your urine, whether you are dehydrated or not, if your urine becomes too much yellow and too often and it does get into the color, the little yellowish-greenish, that is fine, but it should not be dark yellow. The first one in the morning is dark because your kidneys are working between two and six more than any other time, so it will create a lot more concentrated urine than at any other time. So you get rid of this by drinking a glass of warm water ideally, another glass of warm water with some lemon and honey in it,-

RM: Oh yes, okay.

AM: and it will re-hydrate you very beautifully. And then have another six glasses of water during the way, away from food though.

RM: Okay. Thank you for that advice.

AM: You’re welcome.

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