How to heal Achilles Tendonitis

I can tell you from my experiences with this that one of the best ways is to take a bentonite clay foot bath and repeat that every couple of days and do that with… by soaking the feet in water… warm water… where you add at least one to two cups of bentonite clay to it and if there are any toxins that are trapped in that area that slowly healing or simply because of dead cell material that results form the inflammation of the damage or injury that has occurred then this will accelerate the healing.

Another way to deal with this is to apply urine packs; that means, you take a towel and soak it with your urine, the best urine to take is the first stream, morning urine, the mid stream, so the middle part not the very beginning of the urination or the end but the middle part, then apply that to the foot at least for twenty minutes or half an hour and if possible overnight. Then that will also draw toxins from there and accelerate the healing.

The other thing that I recommend is to change the footwear and start using footwear that is different than the normal shoes that are being produced. Find a place that sells earth shoes, ‘earth shoes’ like the Earth, and the other one if using finger shoes as much as possible, that means where there are no heels. So this will allow the stress to be not concentrated on the heels but distributed throughout… over the foot, so all parts of the feet so that you do not stress that part and the tendons in that area.

So I think this is all I can say on the subject but, it might just be capable of making a difference.

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