If one passes out during the Liver Flush
Hi, this is a question from Joni, and she has done a liver flush but she got up in the middle of the night and she had to throw up and she lost her energy and she was weak and basically fell to the floor, she passed out on the floor, when she got up she released the stones and she felt better. She said she had a colonic the day of the liver flush at three pm and before that she had the apple juice, grapefruit, a banana but not the rice and veggies that are recommended to be eaten at lunch time on the day of the liver flush and she also says she is a small person and otherwise healthy. She is wondering what the cause if for this weakness and the passing out.
Personally I had this similar experience once during my twelve liver flushes and there were a couple of things I did not do correctly, one thing is very important, to make sure is to eat the recommended foods because if you just had a banana, basically your food leaves the stomach within thirty-forty minutes, it is not a sustainable food, it leaves your stomach empty, it does not actually really trigger the production of hydrochloric acid, and not having enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach can increase the likelihood for you to throw up and to basically lose the olive oil mixture and to pass out.
The reason for that is that this sphincter of the esophagus, which is the little door between the esophagus whih you ingest your food through, and the stomach. That little door or sphincter has to be closed so that you do not feel nauseated and throw up. And when you do not have enough hydrochloric acid or you have not stimulated the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach enough, then that door, that sphincter, does not close. That means stomach content like the oil mixture has a chance to regurgitate into the esophagus, move up and then be thrown up.
One of the other things you can do just in case you are nauseated and you have to get up in the middle of the night and you feel like weak or nauseated then you can take a tablet of hydrochloric acid. You can find that basically in every pharmacy or chemist’s and get a betaine hydrochloric acid, betaine “B-E-T-A-I-N-E hydrochloric acid” … when you take that, or aloe vera juice, two table spoons of aloe vera juice will also do the trick, when you take either of these, the stomach acid will increase and it will automatically shut this sphincter of the esophagus so that none of the oil mixture can regurgitate into the esophagus and make you feel sick and this prevents nausea and fainting or feeling faint.
So, that would be the first thing I would do the next time you do a liver flush, keep a tablet of hydrochloric acid near you, it works very quickly, but make sure you do have a major meal at lunch time so that you do not feel weak or faint, because it is… basically you are entering a fasting mode, since you are not going to have an evening meal, then particularly if you are a small person, you may feel weak during the liver flush, so make sure you have proper sustenance, food, in your stomach at lunch time and that will allow the stomach acid to be prompted and secreted so that by the time you do the liver flush you have no problem with keeping the oil mixture in your stomach.
The good thing is that the oil mixture by that time… it was one clock when you threw up… the mixture already had done its job, it had triggered a lot of bile from the gallbladder and that prompted the release of the stones from the liver and gallbladder and that is why you still passed stones even though you had thrown up. So I hope this helps and I wish you a great, successful, smooth, easy-going flush the next time.
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