Immunizing substances such as vaccines have exactly the opposite effect on the body

Hi, this is a question from Tony Allen and it runs like this, do you feel that being in this society where unhealthy people are receiving man-made viruses that those who are taking care of themselves are at risk of having to fight off new viruses that the environment of unhealthy people are festering. I am amazed at the new strains and often wonder if they are a creation of just this.

And I find this a very interesting question and I totally agree you that, in fact, when people are artificially immunized or vaccinated or exposed to virus material that is being produced in the laboratories of the pharmaceutical companies, then this has a definite impact in a way of national immunity or societal immunity to protect the entire population from exposure to these man made viruses, because we are literally exposing millions and millions of young people, and older people as well, with artificially created strains of viruses that we do not have a natural immunity towards, and so these new strains are making their way through the system that makes it impossible to keep track. So we are breeding new illnesses that have not existed beforehand.

Incidentally I just read the other day that in Pakistan, for example, the polio vaccine is breeding polio like crazy, seventy-eight percent of the people who are now developing polio are already fully vaccinated and have actually received four vaccines against polio. So this should show us that we are creating illnesses simply by vaccinating the population against illnesses that we are supposed to be affected by. This is not just one incident, it happens in Nigeria and other developing countries, and obviously also here where particular illnesses like polio have been unfortunately renamed and instead of people who are developing polio symptoms or recognizable polio symptoms, they are now told that they have MS, MS symptoms and polio symptoms are very much alike, so there is an epidemic of multiple sclerosis in this country and it is very much due to the polio vaccine. In these other developing countries the renaming has not occurred and that is why you will find so many people who are vaccinated against polio that they are the very ones who are actually developing the paralysis that comes with it. So yes, I in my book “VACCINE-NATION“, I clearly outline the problems that arise from mass inoculating the people around the world because we are creating actually more sophisticated viral strains and bacterial strains because we are overdoing it with immunizing people.

There is just no logic behind pumping people full with viral materials and other poisons that are contained in the vaccines, hoping that that somehow will make people immune but in reality we are destroying the immune system by putting that cocktail of poison into young people. We do not even allow the immunity to develop in children because we are preventing them from developing complete and natural immunity, by suppressing their immune system through vaccines, because vaccines are known to suppress the immune system. So that is why people can no longer get sick from the initial childhood illnesses that have shown to create a very strong immune system that will last them for a lifetime whereas by depleting the immune system during childhood, these individuals are prone to developing all kinds of other illnesses later in life, particularly ones that are related to the things that they are vaccinated against. So now we have proof with regard to measles and mumps and chicken pox and all kinds of illnesses that those who contract the infection… they are the very same people who have been fully vaccinated against them.

So there is no… it makes… no sense to artificially check the people with so-called immunizing substances that do exactly the opposite, so I am completely confirming your suspicion in that regard.

Thank you.

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