It is important not to over hydrate the body
Hi, this is a question with regards to cleansing the kidneys and the question is from a spouse who is asking on behalf of her husband and she says, “My husband has polycystic kidneys and he tries to drink three liters of water a day, however, I am also reading that lemon juice without sugar is good for the kidneys, helping with kidney stones. Can some of the water be reduced and replaced with lemon juice and perhaps some honey?”
The answer is first of all drinking too much can be just as harmful as drinking too little. The kidneys can take care of up to maybe a typically six to eight glasses of water…these are eight ounces… of water per day, unless the person exercises very vigorously and may need more, there are also fluctuations depending on the seasons, during the summer season, there is more perspiration, there is also more loss of fluid and that needs to be replenish more. But typically six to eight glasses a day, keeps the doctor away, in a way.
So it is important not to over water the system because it will dilute, it will basically make the kidneys remove too many minerals and vitamins that should be retained. The kidneys have the capacity, I remind you that the kidneys are very small organs, so they are capable of retaining and holding back and putting vitamins and minerals back into the circulation, but if you drink too much, then the kidneys can no longer do this properly and you will lose a lot more minerals and vitamins than you can replenish from the foods that you are eating.
So it is good to make sure that the urine stays colorful, that is does not completely look like water because then you may be drinking too much, but on the other hand, it should not turn dark yellow because that is how you know are not drinking enough. So that would be the best way of measuring, testing, whether you are drinking the right amounts. Make sure that there is some color, a yellowish color in the urine but do not allow it to go to dark yellow.
Otherwise I would not regulate the water intake by any other thing because once again there is a certain amount of toxins that the kidneys can get rid of, you cannot wash out cysts simply by drinking more water. But, you can dissolve kidney crystals and kidney stones and that is why I do recommend a kidney cleanse which is in my book ‘THE ‘AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH‘ and you can find the kidney cleanse tea at places like ‘PRESENTMOMENT.COM’, they are located in Minneapolis and they are already… they are putting the right amount of ingredients in the tea, they are mixing it up properly and it is ready to go… to be brewed at home and you can drink that for twenty-one days, one cup each day and that helps to dissolve crystals and stones of any kind. And that is one of the best things you can do.
The other thing you mentioned: lemon. Lemon is also excellent to break down crystals and stones in the kidneys and even in the gall bladder. It is good for calcified stones. So what the amount of lemon is, of course, it should be higher than just a slice of lemon a day. Ideally one or two or if you can, even more lemons per day, that you juice them, you can dilute it if you like, a little bit, but the more concentrated it is, the more effective it will be for breaking down crystals and kidney stones, kidney sand.
You’d be better off not to add anything, including honey, but for the first morning drink I always recommend to drink a glass of warm water to help rehydrate the kidneys and then drinking another glass of warm water with the lemon and that can be where you can add a whole lemon and a teaspoon of honey that would be fine but, then I would add another at least one or two lemons during the day that should be without any honey or sweetener, just on its own, as concentrated as possible, to dissolve the maximum amounts of crystals in a short time.
Asparagus Is another good food to take in large amounts during this time of helping to dissolve crystals, stones, impediments in the kidneys to allow the cysts to deflate and to be broken down. Again, cysts only develop only when there is obstruction, when there are impediments, when hormones no longer can regulate no more growth of cells, so congestion in the kidneys is best dealt with by removing crystals that have accumulated there and asparagus is a very potent crystal dissolver. And you can see the effect very quickly after eating asparagus, wait for an hour and then if you go and pass urine, you will find it becomes smelly already. So the asparagus enters the kidneys straight away after eating it, so it is very, very potent and a very powerful stone breaker. So I would then suggest he eats that on a day-to-day basis.
Apart from that, making sure not to eat animal proteins that can cause major kidney problems and cysts of any kind, not just in the kidneys, and to have more vegetarian food items, also be careful with cheese and cow’s milk because they also contribute to these kinds of issues including prostate problems and urinary tract difficulties.
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