Knowing your body type and why garlic and onion are bad
This is a question from Matt Leslie and, he is reading through my book “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” and he was hoping I would help him to answer a couple of questions. The first one is: How do you know your body type? I find it that I posses qualities from each of the types. None seems to fit better than the others? And this is a question that I personally probably would not be able to answer directly, to tell you what body type you are, without getting a good image of you and knowing a couple of more details about you personally . A good ayurvedic physician would be able to determine which, what, body type you are.
The thing is that oftentimes we get confused over what kind of body type we are ‘Vata’, ‘Pitta’ or ‘Kapha’ or, what combination thereof, because, we do not quite understand the symptoms that we are concerned with. For example, a person with a vata-pitta body type, that means there is more vata in him than the pitta, the person may have diarrhea for some reason, loose stools, and he thinks that he is a pitta type. In reality he is a vata type with a pitta imbalance.
So the imbalance is stronger than the actual body type characteristics. So in that case he will have to deal with the pitta imbalance first and once that has been corrected then you will, the person will, recognize himself as a vatha body type. That means vatha is dominating and pitha is secondary. likewise a person who has a, for example a vatha- kapha person, where vata and kapha are seem to be pronounced very strongly that the person suffers from constipation on the one hand, and also from sinus congestion and mucus aggravation in the throat and the chest. So the person being a vata-kapha type, has a kapha imbalance perhaps and by dealing with the kapha imbalance, simply by reducing certain kapha increasing foods or mucus aggravating foods like ice-cream and sugar and dairy products, then, the person would have a more clearer idea of what body type he really is.
So once the symptom of imbalance has been removed, then the person will know what body type he is. And this applies to you as well. So I would suggest you deal with the underlying issues or conditions that you are having, and then when you will do the test again you will find that it becomes much more clear what body type you actually are.
The second question deals with raw garlic and raw onion.
In the book I mentioned that they are not very good for human consumption. You are saying that you squeeze raw garlic on every salad that you eat. Garlic is actually a poison, that is why the Italians soldiers who were not very good shooters during World War II, they were not very good at aiming at the enemy, they were putting, smearing garlic on the bullets that they put in their guns and then, they shot at the enemy and hopefully they hit the enemy somewhere, maybe at the leg, and the enemy soldiers died simply by the garlic entering the blood stream and killing the person. So garlic is a very-very strong toxin and that’s why it can kill a lot germs, bacteria and fungi. So this is something that gives rise to some benefits for the time being.
I am not a great fan of killing germs because you leaving behind a huge number, billions of, corpses of dead bacteria that you then need to dispose of, which can then attract other bacteria into the body that were not designed to come in. So it a double edged sword. I personally do not want to expose my body to a strong toxin like raw onion and raw garlic. If you cook them, then the toxicity is reduced by a great deal.
So I would recommend that if you do want them then, do not eat it raw, but cook them. Otherwise there are studies now to show that garlic, in fact, can destroy brain cells and it can also burn little holes into the intestinal wall. So it can burn. You eat raw garlic and it burns your throat. It has an inflammation inducing effect if there is too much close contact with some of the delicate lining of the intestine. So I personally recommend, particularly, for people who have digestive problems who may suffer from a condition called leaky blood where these kind of toxins can enter the blood stream and can cause problems elsewhere in the body.
The third question that you raised is related to Candida, why would fermented cabbage be bad for you?
This is in relation to, again, people who suffer, who are of a particular body type, who suffer from a pitta imbalance. Pitta people, or people suffering from a pitta imbalance, do not benefit from fermented foods which are very sour and, the sour taste can impact the immune system and reduce their ability to digest food. So for them taking fermented foods including vinegar, can have a detrimental effect.
So once again it depends on who you are. If you are a vata type who in addition suffers from constipation then yes, I do not have a problem recommending fermented cabbage because it will help to open up the bowel and help to increase the population of probiotic bacteria. So if you have had any benefit from eating fermented cabbage, by all means go for it; as long as you feel good, it will do you good. But if a person is a pitta type, it is unlikely that you would feel good and you would start getting loose stools and feel that there is something that is not quite right, you might feel bloated, gassy and, in fact, this is the case then I would certainly recommend not taking fermented food.
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