Liver Flush for Genetic Liver Disease

Hi , this is a question with regard to a liver disorder called gilberts syndrome or also known as Morbus-Meulengracht syndrome and it is a genetic disorder that means they are carriers of gene that develop that kind of illness and the question from this person Facebook reader is, since he should not do fasting is it still good to do the liver cleanse? And do you have any ideas what can help or heal? Thank you very much.

Now Gilberts syndrome is recognized by an increased level of bilirubin which is produced in the liver and when it is escaping into the bile and into the blood stream it can cause a yellow color. It is not a very serious illness but it has some consequences on liver function and some abilities for detoxification in the body.

Now I do recommend that people who suffer from that illness do clean out the liver, the bile ducts in the liver need to be open in them more than other people so that the bile does not back up into the blood stream and it can cause jaundice like conditions. Also they have an increased need for removing toxins swiftly and quickly from the liver and to keep the bile ducts open is pretty much essential for them. So, again I recommend very strongly that they clean out their entire liver that will also affect the bilirubin levels in the blood stream that many people who found that regular liver flushes helped them normalize the bilirubin blood levels and so, this is something that I highly recommended. Also I recommend a change in diet, if there is a diet that is consisting of or high in animal protein I recommend to shift over to a more vegetarian diet, plenty of vegetables and grains, some lentils or beans and nuts seeds and  salads food and other naturally grown foods that are ideally of an organic nature so that bile duct stones do not clog up quickly once again. Pesticides in the foods defiantly produce intra hepatic gall stones these are the soft, waxy, cholesterol type stones and also in their case bilirubin stones can easily manifest because of the drug bilirubin in the bile ducts.

So, once again cleaning out the liver, changing of diets and lifestyle, spending more time in the sun to induce vitamin D production in the body which also helps with the liver functions and with the gilberts syndrome. So having said that, hope that this will answer your question.

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