Liver flush for healing an enlarged liver
Hi, this is a question from someone whose father has an enlarged liver, diagnosed with an enlarged liver, and he has been told not to drink any alcohol for three months, he will have another test to find out why his liver is so enlarged and the daughter is wondering whether, if he should be doing a liver cleanse, whether it is safe for him given that his liver is already under stress.
I cannot make that judgment because obviously I do not know anything about this person, how long he has abused or used alcohol, but, an enlarged liver obviously shows that there is congestion and most congestion begins in the bile ducts of the liver where the bile ducts are clogged up with intra-hepatic gallstones and alcohol is one of the substances that produces those intra-hepatic gallstones, so it is very likely that his enlarged liver is due to bile duct congestion. Now this is one of the greatest stresses that the liver can undergo and so not doing anything about it continues to stress the liver cells and the liver function, so I do not see any reason why he should not begin to do the liver flushes because anything that can relieve the pressure from the liver and allow the bile ducts to open up and to release the accumulated stones from there will de-stress the liver and not stress it more.
But certainly, you should follow all the directions, the instructions provided in “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH” because there are certain things that need to be done that lead up to the liver flush such as softening of the stones, cleaning out the colon which is absolutely important, especially with people who have an enlarged liver, to make sure that the large intestine is clean so any stones that travel, come out of liver and gall bladder, can actually come out, if the large intestine is clogged up, there will be a pressure against the gallbladder that will prevent the gallbladder from properly opening up, and the bile ducts in the liver will also remain fairly closed, so the chance for releasing stones is much less than if he does a colon hydrotherapy or colema or at least one or two or three high enemas, using water only, to help clean out the colon and, then once again, doing the colonic or colema or at least two to three water enemas within three days after the liver flush so that any stones that may still remain in the colon are taken out so that no toxins released from those stones can re-enter the liver and cause the same kind of problems again.
So it is important to follow all of those directions definitely, I do not have reason why he should not do liver flushes given the circumstances that he is in. I do not see any other way for reducing the enlargement in the liver. Enlarged livers cause a lot of problems they can cause spleen disorders, stomach disorders, digestive disorders of course, and also problems to the diaphragm, the diaphragm gets pressured, it prevents the proper respiration in the lungs because the enlarged liver puts a lot of pressure against the lungs so that they cannot catch enough air to distribute throughout the body so this can cause heart problems as well as blood problems, so virtually every part of the body can be affected negatively simply by having an enlarged liver. So this is not just stress to the liver but, stress for the entire… rest of the body.
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