Processing meat requires a huge insulin response, more than eating half a pound of sugar!

Hi, this is with regards to diabetes and meat consumption or animal protein consumption and I have stated in my diabetes book “DIABETES  NO MORE” about how the human body, while processing meat, will require a huge insulin response which is much, much bigger than in response to eating half a pound of sugar.

And this can be, to many people, very surprising and I want to explain that in greater detail because it is something that has not been very much understood by lay people and also by medical professionals. However we know that there is a lot of scientific research now that clearly shows that when we eat meat on a regular basis, the risk of developing diabetes is shooting up dramatically. In fact there is a more recent study done by the National Institute of Cancer which has shown that regular meat eating increases the risk of dying by twenty percent among people who regularly consume meat and that is from all causes including cancer, heart disease and diabetes; so yes, meat eating can contribute to increased rates of diabetes. I have always talked about how meat eating directly leads to diabetes and in my books I have mentioned that, and I want to be very careful the way I say that, that is why I am going to read a passage taken from my book.

“If you eat concentrated protein food such as meat or chicken, your body requires much insulin to synthesize proteins from the amino acids derived from these foods. According to research, the stimulation of protein synthesis is a classic action of insulin. Loss of the stimulatory effect of insulin on protein synthesis would reduce growth and result in weight loss, which are hallmarks of diabetes. To make certain that the amino acids derived from the protein meal are synthesized into proteins, the pancreas has to secrete insulin. In other words, the more protein you eat, the more insulin your body needs to make, thus increasing the chances of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Accordingly, eating a normal sized steak forces your pancreas to secrete more insulin than it would need to produce in response to eating twelve times the amount of sugar contained in one can of soda. In addition to that if you also eat potatoes, a sweet dessert and drink a soda along with your meal like most Americans do, you can expect to further increase the insulin resistance. Currently diabetes is the fastest growing epidemic in America and it is easy to see why. The effect of insulin on protein metabolism is complex and it involves changes in both the synthesis and degradation of proteins. If protein intake is excessive, insulin secretions increase to help with its degradation. Protein synthesis and the control of carbohydrate and fat metabolism have now been linked in unexpected ways and many of the same  signaling systems utilized by insulin to control glucose metabolism for example have been found to be involved in a control of protein synthesis as well. The bottom line is that excessive intake of protein is a direct cause of insulin resistance and may lead to the onset of type 2 diabetes.”

This is very important and my own experience with diabetics around the world is that by having them discontinue eating animal proteins, and that includes chicken, fish, eggs, regular meat and cheese and milk particularly, they had reversed their diabetes within a matter of six to eight weeks. So it really shows that the insulin spiking occurrence that happens after eating meat, not directly, immediately, it is not that the insulin, the blood sugar will go up after eating protein but the long-term metabolic effect of insulin requirement is going up so dramatically that eventually the body will shut, or the cells in the body will shut the doors to insulin, the cells will no longer allow insulin to transport sugar to the cells which can cause the side effects often noticed with diabetes such as blindness and loss of functions, loss of limbs, amputations that result from that.

So, I highly recommend that to take this information very seriously if you are diabetic or suffer from pre-diabetes to be very cautious about overindulging in animal protein products so that you can reduce the amount of insulin required to process these proteins that synthesize amino acids from the ingested proteins.

Thank you.

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