Reducing high cholesterol levels without using statins
Hi, this is a very good question from Margarita, how can you reduce high levels of cholesterol without statins?
Now statins are cholesterol lowering drugs that are used by the medical system and the medical industry to combat and lower cholesterol levels because they believe or they tell us that high cholesterol is dangerous for our heart… something that by the way has never ever been proven.
They have been able to show that people who suffer from heart disease can have high cholesterol but this is a correlation, not a cause-effect relationship. In fact when you look at popular websites of drug makers like Lipitor, the Lipitor website, you will find that there is a statement that taking those drug does not diminish your risk of heart attack or heart disease, so it does not really show there is not a single scientific study that shows that by taking these medications your risk of heart disease goes down. In fact fifty percent or more people who suffer heart attack… they have no cholesterol in their blood vessels whatsoever.
The other thing is that cholesterol has been vilified for a long time particularly given a bad name LDL liquid LDL cholesterol which is named a bad cholesterol but, there is no bad cholesterol in the body. There are different kinds of cholesterol, depends on whether cholesterol is moving… fats are moved by particular proteins through the liver and fat is moving out of the liver by another set of particular proteins and depending on the proteins, that will determine whether we call it LDL or VLDL which is very low density liver protein or HDL which is suppose to be a good cholesterol.
In reality all of these cholesterols are essential for the body they all serve a particular purpose for example if you cut yourself in the finger or have another wound somewhere else or there is a wound in the blood vessel which can cause bleeding then one the first hormones that go there is cholesterol. Cholesterol is a hormone, it is a stress hormone as well, so it goes up when you are stressed or if exert your brain and nervous system you are producing extra cholesterol in order to combat that particular threat because when you are under threat, you cause potential damage to blood vessels and to brain cells, you are using up a lot of more cholesterol, so the body has to make more cholesterol.
The other thing is that the most of the body, most of the cells in the body are composed of cholesterol. All hormones are made of cholesterol, so it is not something that we should vilify and put a bad label on it. We need that. If cholesterol is accumulating in the blood vessels and they are creating an obstruction, then that is not done because the body is trying to harm itself or create an obstruction and the blood is not flowing properly through these blood vessels, but the body is doing that to prevent heart attacks.
The reason why that happens is that once again, cholesterol is a stress hormone, it goes to every wound, to any lesion, any part that is damaged or inflamed, so if there is an inflammation of the blood vessel, for example by eating sugar, and sugar increases the uric acid content in the blood and once the uric acid starts attacking the blood vessels then the blood vessels can get inflamed and the same thing happens when you eat these animal proteins, these animal proteins end up getting built into what is know as the basal membranes of the blood vessel wall then that creates an inflammatory response in that blood vessel and eventually it can cause bleeding, and when blood clots are formed because of blood escaping from these blood vessels, then the blood clots could enter the heart and cause a heart attack. To prevent the heart attack the body will have to patch up these wounds and the best patching material is cholesterol, and it is the first aid bandage.
It bandages, it will prevent these blood clots from escaping causing heart attacks or strokes. So cholesterol is a friend, it is not our enemy. And when the cholesterol… obviously, it is very soft… and so these soft patches they could easily break free, so the body needs to solidify them and integrate calcium, inorganic calcium, in that cholesterol material to make it really hard and crusty. In fact ninety percent of these collusions, consist of calcium and not cholesterol. Cholesterol is only a small part of it, maybe five, seven, eight percent of it so, it is not the enemy that we are making it out to be.
And that is why using statins to reduce cholesterol levels, in my opinion, and there are many, many studies to show that it is outright dangerous. It can cause liver damage and now it is shown to actually cause heart disease, something that the statin was supposed to prevent. It can also cause brain damage and obviously cause stones in the bile ducts of the liver by basically preventing the liver from making extra cholesterol that hinders the liver to produced bile to digest your food properly, and then a lot of undigested food will decompose, the bacteria produce toxins, those toxins go back into the blood stream, into the liver, and producing more stones, and then a vicious cycle is being created. It is very, very difficult to escape from it, that is why Statins have such a horrendous number of side effects including liver damage and muscle damage that eventually the whole body can develop many illnesses and diseases for which then new drugs are prescribed that try to suppress those symptoms as well. Whenever you try to subdue a symptom like high cholesterol then you are getting in to trouble.
The other things about cholesterol, there is a lot of misinformation about what is normal levels of cholesterol and what is abnormal, and there are studies that are… very, very elaborate studies… that confirm that the older you grow, the higher the cholesterol actually needs to be. So a person who is aged sixty should have a cholesterol 260 or little more than that, whereas nowadays, they are immediately telling a person of age sixty if he has cholesterol 260 or a little more he should definitely take statins and they are actually telling people now that 200 is too much at age forty which is ridiculous, their cholesterol does not do any harm, it just not a vicious thing that somehow causes damage to the body, it is part of the protective mechanism and should never be brought down artificially. There are natural ways to make the need for increased cholesterol less and that is changing the diet, exercising, sun exposure which has been shown to generate vitamin D and once the body has normal vitamin D levels, cholesterol levels automatically drop. So it is something to consider. Regular sun exposure without sunscreen of course otherwise this benefit does not occur.
The other thing to consider with regard to cholesterol is eating foods that are low in animal proteins and there should be no processed fats which always create damage to blood vessel walls and cause a need for more cholesterol to patch up these inflammation centers or spots in the blood vessels. So it’s very, very important to consider a diet that is vegetarian. There is a lot of talk now about people like Bill Clinton, former President of the United States being on a vegan diet because his blood vessels were continuously getting damaged and he is doing much better now and so many other people have recognized that eating vegan, vegetarian diet, will benefit them to the point that heart disease and blood vessels actually become reversed completely by following such a diet.
So I wholeheartedly recommend making those changes, cleaning out the liver, getting out in the sun, drinking enough water, keep the blood thin because of that and staying away from any of these harmful drugs which cause a person to enter a vicious cycle from which it is very, very difficult to escape and to recover.
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