Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

Hi, this is Andreas Moritz and today, I would like to address a simple question related to the liver flush. “Shall we do a parasite cleanse prior to doing liver flushes?”

I definitely don’t recommend that, unlike many other practitioners who have advised their patients or clients to always do a parasite cleanse before each liver flush. I don’t recommend that because I found it to be unnecessary and I am not really into killing a lot of germs, because then you have to deal with billions of corpses of dead bacteria which oftentimes can clog up the intestinal tract and they cause more toxins actually, as the toxins spilled from these bacteria can be absorbed into the blood and lymph and cause more problems than you can benefit from such a parasite cleanse.

The parasites and germs that prevail in the intestinal tract or liver, they diminish naturally when you do a Liver and Gallbladder Flush.

The preparation period that I advise everyone to follow, the six day period of softening of the stones, has been shown to be effective enough to make the flush a success… to make sure that you release enough in the correct amount of stones and toxins, not too much, not too little, and the parasite cleanse may kill germs in the liver bile ducts, parasites, also in the intestines but this doesn’t necessarily mean you are passing more stones.

I have had tested that about 15 years ago and it didn’t really make much of a difference, so anyone who wants to do a liver flush doesn’t need to take a parasite cleanse prior to liver flushing. I find it completely unnecessary and it doesn’t enhance the effectiveness of the liver flush itself.

Thank you.

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