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Eat Sensibly, Stay Healthy

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  December, 2011 — updated 2016

It is best to avoid heavy, oily and fried food; aged cheeses; yogurt; onion and garlic, especially uncooked; highly processed and refined foods; fizzy drinks, alcohol, coffee, regular tea; artificial sweeteners; and commercial sugar.

Try to include one or two pieces of fresh fruit per day in your diet. If you drink fruit juice, make sure it is freshly prepared and not older than one hour […]

Eating This Fatty Snack Can Protect Your Heart and More

By: Dr. Mercola
Source: Mercola.com

If you’re looking for a nutritious, quick snack, nuts (raw, organic and in moderation) are a near perfect option.

With healthy fats, fiber, plant sterols and many vitamins and minerals, nuts pack a powerful nutritional punch, all wrapped up […]

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