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Disorders Of The Nervous System Are Caused By Gallstones In The Liver And Gallbladder

By Andreas Moritz

Our whole lives are dictated by the way we feel. Our persona, the way we carry ourselves, our interactions with other people, our moods, cravings, patience, tolerance level, and more are strongly affected by the state of health of our nervous system. In today’s fast paced world we are exposed to a variety of conditions that wreak havoc on our bodies. The brain is the control center of the entire body and unless it receives proper nourishment, your life can be […]

Your Body Can Store Protein And Go On To Cause Heart Disease

By Andreas Moritz 

Meat and meat products have five to ten times the concentration of protein than found in plant protein foods. It is, therefore, easily possible to overeat animal protein, but it is hardly possible to overeat vegetable protein because a normal digestive system does not have the ability to process 5-10 times more food than is normal for the body. It is common knowledge that the body is able to store unused sugar and other carbohydrates in […]

Reducing High Cholesterol Levels Without Using Statins

Reducing high cholesterol levels without using statins

 Hi, this is a very good question from Margarita, how can you reduce high levels of cholesterol without statins?

Now statins are cholesterol lowering drugs that are used by the medical system and the medical industry to combat and lower cholesterol levels because they believe or they tell us that high cholesterol is dangerous for our heart… something that by the way has never ever been proven.

Coronary Heart Disease

By Andreas Moritz 

Coronary heart disease and heart attacks take more American lives than any other cause. Although it occurs suddenly, a heart attack is actually the final stage of an insidious disorder that has been years in the making. The disorder is known as coronary heart disease. Since the disease plunders only prosperous nations and has rarely killed someone before 1900, we have to hold our modern lifestyles, unnatural foods and unbalanced eating habits responsible for today’s heartsick society. But long […]

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