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Weight Loss Myths Perpetuated By Multi-Billion Dollar Industries

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted: December 3, 2011 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Feel Great, Lose Weight

No doubt, most overweight individuals have a desire to lose weight. But sometimes, the desperation is fueled by the media, the cosmetics industry, pharma companies and food manufacturers. Driven by profit and with no scruples really, these multi-billion dollar industries stand to benefit from your sense of insecurity about your figure and weight.

They make you vulnerable and induce low self-esteem by setting so-called […]

New Study Shows Obesity Rate Is Actually Far Worse than Previously Recognized

By: Dr. Mercola
Source: Mercola.com

In the United States, where two-thirds of all states already have obesity rates exceeding 25 percent, and 12 states now have obesity rates over 30 percent, it is shocking to hear that these rates may actually be underestimated.

But […]

The Link Between Weight Gain And Diabetes

By Andreas Moritz 

Approximately 16 million people in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes based on national statistics. In reality, through, this figure is much higher. It is estimated that another 5.4 million people have the disease and are not aware of it. Type II diabetes, also called adult onset diabetes, now appears routinely in six year old children. Minorities are at particular risk, as their diet consists mainly of cheap fast foods, such as hamburgers, fried chicken, pasta, […]

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