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Animals Know Something That We Don’t Know

By Andreas Moritz

Animals seem to be much smarter than we are. They don’t behave as if death was the end of their existence. Not fussing over where they will die, they also don’t organize big funerals for other animals that die, however strong and powerful they might have been in the past. Furthermore, animals don’t set aside money as a pension for the times when they can no longer provide for themselves. Animals, plants, trees, etc. do not […]

We Are Awakening To Oneness, We Are On The Path To Finding Our Way ‘Home’

By Andreas Moritz 

If a particular problem such as a persisting financial difficulty or a physical weakness brings up fear in you, rather than immediately pushing for a quick solution you may need to allow yourself to be afraid or insecure for a while. You cannot experience fearlessness unless you have experienced fear first. You may be afraid that you cannot fulfill other people’s expectations of you, or that you will make mistakes and be judged for it. The […]

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