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Weight Loss Myths Perpetuated By Multi-Billion Dollar Industries

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted: December 3, 2011 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Feel Great, Lose Weight

No doubt, most overweight individuals have a desire to lose weight. But sometimes, the desperation is fueled by the media, the cosmetics industry, pharma companies and food manufacturers. Driven by profit and with no scruples really, these multi-billion dollar industries stand to benefit from your sense of insecurity about your figure and weight.

They make you vulnerable and induce low self-esteem by setting so-called […]

How to Get Back On The Exercise Track

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

We’ve all found ourselves at certain times in our lives having to put important activities down to address things requiring immediate attention. One of the most often first items chopped from schedules during those pressing times is exercise.

Exercise is an easy item to chop from the calendar in challenging times […]

This Exercise Can Cause a 7-Fold Surge of Heart Problems

By:  Dr. Mercola  (2012)
Source:  Mercola.com

Do you dread going to the gym for what feels like hours at a stretch? Or do you avoid working out altogether because you just don’t have the time? Then what I’m about to tell you should be […]

Sprinting: The Ultimate Fat Burning Exercise

By:  John McKiernan  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

Sprinting is considered by many as the ultimate exercise. It not only increases athleticism by building fast twitch muscle fiber, it is highly effective for fat burning. Performing sprints a few times a week can replace long cardiovascular […]

23 and 1/2 hours: What is the Single Best Thing We Can Do for Our Health?

A Doctor-Professor answers the old question “What is the single best thing we can do for our health” in a completely new way.

Conceived, written, and presented by Dr. Mike Evans
Illustrated by Liisa Sorsa
Produced, directed, and filmed by Nick De Pencier
Picture and […]

New Study Shows Only Half of People Infected with Flu Virus Actually Get Sick – Why?

By: Dr. Mercola
Source: Mercola.com

It’s a common misconception that the only way to avoid getting the flu is to make sure you don’t come into contact with the virus, or if you do to wash it off your hands quickly before you touch your eyes or your mouth and allow the virus to invade your system. As a result, a large number […]

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation (Greg Voisen interviews Andreas Moritz)

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation
(Greg Voisen interviews Andreas Moritz)

Greg Voisen: Welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen, host of Inside Personal Growth and I want to thank all of our listeners who join us from around the world to listen to the words of wisdom  from our authors. And today on the air, I have Andreas Moritz, who is joining us from South Carolina and Andreas is a health expert […]

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