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The Risks of Ultrasound Scans for the Mother and the Unborn Child

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:   October 1, 2012 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

Are ultrasound scans necessary?

By the 1980s more than 100 million people throughout the world had experienced ultrasound scans before they were born. Today, practically every pregnant woman in Europe and North America will have at least one ultrasound scan […]

The Secret World of the Unborn Child

By Andreas Moritz 

Childhood experiences are not the only factors that can determine our destiny. A child’s life does not begin with its birth. Because we cannot see the infant before he is born (except through ultrasound machines), it does not mean that he has no links to the outside world. Although the unborn child lives in a world of his own, he is still most profoundly influenced by everything that happens around him, especially the thoughts, feeling and […]

Why Do Young Children and Toddlers Get Cancer?

Why do young children and toddlers get cancer?

Hi, this is  a great question from Cindy and she is asking “Why do small children and toddlers get cancer?  I feel they are too young to have the type of stress you speak of.”

This relates to an article I have written on Facebook and basically the answer to that question is quite simple. Children at that age can experience serious stress, even the Centers for […]

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