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How to Heal Gingivitis

How to heal gingivitis

Gingivitis or gum disease is a not necessarily localized. It starts off somewhere else and typically depends on where the tooth is located or the area of inflammation is found. It shows that there is a need for bacterial activity in that area that causes the infection and the reason is that, there are dead cells or damaged or weak cells that are pretty much poisoned by chemical substances, waste matter that […]

Disorders of the Mouth

By Andreas Moritz 

Gallstones in the liver and gallbladder can be held responsible for most diseases of the mouth. The stones interfere with the digestion and absorption of food, which in turn forces waste products meant for elimination to remain in the intestinal tract. Bacterial infection (thrush) and viral infection (herpes) in the mouth arise only when waste decomposes and becomes a source of toxicity in the body. The trapped toxins constantly irritate parts of the gastro-intestinal lining (which begins in the […]

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