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Relationships Bring Out the Best and Worst In Us

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted: December 7, 2011 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Lifting the Veil of Duality

We cannot stay on one part of the polarity for very long without feeling uncomfortable or unfulfilled, even if it is a pleasant situation. Even paradise can become boring if we remain there for too long. In light of this, during a wonderful romantic holiday there may come a point where you feel the urge to go home and do something else. […]

Are We Spiritual by Nature?

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  December 8, 2011 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  It’s Time to Come Alive

According to the latest opinion polls, 82 percent of Americans believe in the healing power of personal prayer. Before long, scientists will equate this healing power with the placebo response – a healing response in the body that is triggered by one’s belief in a particular drug or treatment. Having faith in someone who can accomplish anything, even cure a cancer, […]

We Are Not Superior To Animals

By Andreas Moritz

Exploitation of animals by humans

None of the species on this Earth is meant to act in a superior manner toward any other. Exploitation in any form may bring short-term benefits but results in long-term losses. Exploiting humans or animals […]

Your Master Plan Helps You See That There Is Nothing Bad in Evilness and Nothing Good in Goodness

By Andreas Moritz

Each one of us has a master plan. This master plan is not the kind that tells you how to get from A to B or how you can be a better person than you already are. It is a Divine Plan that helps you see that there is nothing bad in evilness and nothing good in goodness. It is a script that we are all writing in each moment. The script guides us through […]

Religious Beliefs Became The Crutches For Our Spiritual Poverty

By Andreas Moritz

Religious beliefs haven’t always been a part of human life on Earth. In fact religious dogmas only began to emerge after we experienced ourselves as beings separate from our Higher Source Self or God. Instead of being mostly centered within and functioning primarily as light beings, we started to look outward and perceive ourselves predominantly as physical beings.

As our soul began to increasingly identify with the physical self (ego), our Higher Self went as if to […]

The Power of Gratitude And Accepting What Is

By Andreas Moritz 

Accepting what is at this moment creates a natural feeling of gratitude and recognition that every moment is a precious gift of all possibilities. Although ‘accepting what is’ sounds so simple and easy, we may have spent numerous lifetimes to experience such a moment of grace just once. Now the world is being prepared to make this moment permanent. We are asked to leave our minds behind because acceptance is a matter of the heart, the […]

Oneness Is A State Of Being, It Comes From The Plane Before And Beyond Thoughts And Ideas

By Andreas Moritz 

We have seen that the need to judge arises when we are feeling insecure, fearful, or dissatisfied. People who are in love feel as if they could embrace the whole world. Their sense of happiness transcends the barriers of division and allows them to perceive the underlying unity of all things. Even though this state of being in love may only be a fleeting moment of unity consciousness, it nevertheless shows that we are capable of […]

We Are Awakening To Oneness, We Are On The Path To Finding Our Way ‘Home’

By Andreas Moritz 

If a particular problem such as a persisting financial difficulty or a physical weakness brings up fear in you, rather than immediately pushing for a quick solution you may need to allow yourself to be afraid or insecure for a while. You cannot experience fearlessness unless you have experienced fear first. You may be afraid that you cannot fulfill other people’s expectations of you, or that you will make mistakes and be judged for it. The […]

Lifting The Veil Of Duality (Greg Voisen interviews Andreas Moritz)



Greg Voisen: Welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen, host of our podcast and I want to thank all of our listeners who join us worldwide to listen to the words of wisdom from our authors. And today we have a returning guest Andreas Moritz, and Andreas is joining us from the South Carolina area and we are going to be speaking to […]

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