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Water Ionizers – Using Water to Heal and Improve Health and Your Well-Being

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted: December 6, 2011 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

For people who are not only interested in proper hydration, but also want to cleanse the body from toxins, water ionizers are effective and excellent machines. These can turn normal tap water into a good cleanser that has antioxidant effects.

Water with a negative charge (ORP) is known to retard the aging process. A high or rising ORP, on the other hand, […]

Healing Lyme Disease

Healing Lyme Disease

Hi, this is a question from Mary and she is concerned about Lyme disease and she is wondering how I explain Lyme disease.

This is a very complex question even though it sounds very simple because it involves many, many factors that influence the body’s immune system. Lyme disease in my opinion is not necessarily due to the tick bite, that the parasite that is transferred by ticks into the […]

Do a Kidney Cleanse if You Feel Excessively Thirsty

Hi, this is a Facebook question about hydration, and the person says every night I wakes up to drink water because I am very thirsty and very dehydrated. I know it can be a symptom of diabetes, it can also indicate chronic kidney failure, deficiency of iron, Crohn’s disease or Schroder syndrome and he is wondering what else he can do? He has done three liver flushes and he feels better in many respects but this particular problem is […]

Healing Sjögren’s Disease with the Liver Flush

Healing Sjögren’s disease with the Liver Flush

Hi, this is a question with regard to Sjögren’s disease or Sjögren’s syndrome, as it is  called.

It is considered to be an autoimmune disease and a disease where the body’s immune system is supposedly attacking itself and particularly in this case, the glands that are producing moisture for keeping the eyes moist or the salivary glands producing saliva and other glands that make sure the body does […]

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation (Greg Voisen interviews Andreas Moritz)

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation
(Greg Voisen interviews Andreas Moritz)

Greg Voisen: Welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen, host of Inside Personal Growth and I want to thank all of our listeners who join us from around the world to listen to the words of wisdom  from our authors. And today on the air, I have Andreas Moritz, who is joining us from South Carolina and Andreas is a health expert […]

It Is Important Not to Over Hydrate the Body

It is important not to over hydrate the body

 Hi, this is a question with regards to cleansing the kidneys and the question is from a spouse who is asking on behalf of her husband and she says, “My husband has polycystic kidneys and he tries to drink three liters of water a day, however, I am also reading that lemon juice without sugar is good for the kidneys, helping with kidney stones. Can some of […]

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