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Painkillers – The Beginning of a Vicious Cycle

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:   November 20, 2011 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

Taking painkillers, unless it is absolutely necessary for extremely painful conditions, is an act of suppressing and destroying the healing intelligence of the body. When ill, the body may require pain signals to trigger the appropriate immune response for the removal of toxins from a localized area and to prevent the individual from further harm. Pain is not a […]

Fibroids – What We Can Do About Healing Them

Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

Hi, this is a question with regard to fibroids, what causes fibroids and what we can do about them.

Fibroids basically are deposits or accumulation of dead proteins and I wholeheartedly recommend that we avoid eating cadaver foods that, […]

Gallstones Cause Varicose Veins, Problems of The Heart, Spleen, Hormones, Circulation And Congestion

By Andreas Moritz 

Gallstones in the liver may lead to poor circulation, enlargement of the heart and spleen, varicose veins, congested lymph vessels, and hormone imbalances. When gallstones have grown large enough to seriously distort the structural framework of the lobules (units) of the liver, blood flow through the liver becomes increasingly difficult. This not only raises the venous blood pressure in the liver, but also raises it in all the organs and areas of the body that drain […]

Why We Need To Constantly Cleanse The Body’s Various Systems And Eliminative Organs

By Andreas Moritz

The body is continually involved in a process of self-renewal. Each day of your life, the body is challenged to build 30,000,000,000 new cells (anabolism), but in order to maintain homeostasis, it also must destroy the same amount of old cells. The breaking down of dead, worn-out cells leaves behind a massive amount of cellular debris, which is instantly taken up and removed by the lymphatic system.

The waste can only be removed if there is enough […]

Poor Circulation, Enlargement of the Heart & Spleen, Varicose Veins, Lymph Congestion and Hormonal Imbalance

By Andreas Moritz

Gallstones in the liver may lead to poor circulation, enlargement of the heart and spleen, varicose veins, congested lymph vessels and hormone imbalance. When gallstones have grown large enough to seriously distort the structural framework of the lobules (units) of the liver, blood flow through the liver becomes increasingly difficult. This not only raises the venous blood pressure in the liver, but also in all of the organs and areas of the body that drain used blood through their […]

Disorders of the Intestines

By Andreas Moritz 

The small intestine is continuous with the stomach at the pyloric sphincter and has a length of 16-19 feet (5-6 meters). It leads into the large intestine, which is about 3.5-5 feet (1-1.5 meters) long. The small intestine secretes intestinal juice to complete digestion of carbohydrates, protein and fats. It also absorbs nutrient materials necessary for nourishing and maintaining the body, and protects it against infection by microbes that have survived the anti-microbial action of hydrochloric acid in the […]

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