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Relationships Bring Out the Best and Worst In Us

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted: December 7, 2011 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Lifting the Veil of Duality

We cannot stay on one part of the polarity for very long without feeling uncomfortable or unfulfilled, even if it is a pleasant situation. Even paradise can become boring if we remain there for too long. In light of this, during a wonderful romantic holiday there may come a point where you feel the urge to go home and do something else. […]

Duality and Awakening

By Andreas Moritz

Existence here on this three-dimensional Earth gives us the opportunity to explore all the ins and outs of duality: the good and the bad; the right and the wrong; the light and the dark; abundance and poverty. Experiencing these contrasts of duality enables us to see who we really are and to discover the common Source of all opposites that lies within us.

As we come closer and closer to understanding who we really are, we find […]

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